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- Category: Eating Disorder Treatment (continued)
- eating disorders..?
- Eating Disorders: 'Eating Disorder Lit' May Not Be Appropriate for Everyone, Cautions Dr. Gregory Jantz of -
- Eating Disorders: 100 kg more or less, still the same person (and disorder): From overweight to underweight-exacerbation of an eating disorder after bariatric surgery.
- Eating Disorders: A qualitative exploration of whether lesbian and bisexual women are 'protected' from sociocultural pressure to be thin.
- Eating Disorders: A qualitative exploration of whether lesbian and bisexual women are 'protected' from sociocultural pressure to be thin.
- Eating Disorders: A reevaluation of the morphology, paleoecology, and phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic walrus pelagiarctos.
- Eating Disorders: A Six-year Prospective Study on Children of Mothers with Eating Disorders: The Role of Paternal Psychological Profiles.
- Eating Disorders: Action figures expose boys to unattainable and unrealistic body images - and 40% of US teens with eating disorders are now male - Daily Mail
- Eating Disorders: Active Reward Processing during Human Sleep: Insights from Sleep-Related Eating Disorder.
- Eating Disorders: Acute exercise increases feeding latency in healthy normal weight young males but does not alter energy intake.
- Eating Disorders: Adolescent perspectives on wearing accelerometers to measure physical activity in population-based trials.
- Eating Disorders: Adolescents' perception of causes of obesity: unhealthy lifestyles or heritage?
- Eating Disorders: An examination of food addiction in a racially diverse sample of obese patients with binge eating disorder in primary care settings.
- Eating Disorders: An exploratory investigation of purging disorder.
- Eating Disorders: An intensive DBT program for patients with multidiagnostic eating disorder presentations: A case series analysis.
- Eating Disorders: Anorexia nervosa and dialysis: we have no time when the body is so damaged!
- Eating Disorders: Anorexigenic postprandial responses of PYY and GLP-1 to slow ice-cream consumption: preservation in obese adolescents, but not in obese adults.
- Eating Disorders: Applying the Health Belief Model to college students' health behavior.
- Eating Disorders: Assessment of Host-Associated Genetic Differentiation among Phenotypically Divergent Populations of a Coral-Eating Gastropod across the Caribbean.
- Eating Disorders: Association between Frequency of Breakfast Eating and Obesity in Korean Adolescents.
- Eating Disorders: Association of breakfast intake with obesity, dietary and physical activity behavior among urban school-aged adolescents in Delhi, India: results of a cross-sectional study.
- Eating Disorders: Associations of soluble fiber, whole fruits/vegetables, and juice with plasma Beta-carotene concentrations in a free-living population of breast cancer survivors.
- Eating Disorders: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and binge eating disorder in a patient with 2q21.1-q22.2 deletion.
- Eating Disorders: Automatic food intake detection based on swallowing sounds.
- Eating Disorders: Binge Eating Disorder: Chicago Psychological Center Supports Upcoming Changes - PR Newswire
- Eating Disorders: Body composition and eating behaviours in relation to dieting involvement in a sample of urban Greek adolescents from the TEENAGE (TEENs of Attica: Genes & Environment) study.
- Eating Disorders: Body conscious? Interoceptive awareness, measured by heartbeat perception, is negatively correlated with self-objectification.
- Eating Disorders: Breastfeeding is associated with a maternal feeding style low in control from birth.
- Eating Disorders: Challenges in making the transition between pediatric and adult eating disorder programs: a qualitative study from the perspective of service providers.
- Eating Disorders: Change in psychotherapy: a dialogical analysis single-case study of a patient with bulimia nervosa.
- Eating Disorders: Clinical diagnostic clues in Crohn's disease: a 41-year experience.
- Eating Disorders: Clinicopathologic review of eruptive pseudoangiomatosis in Korean adults: report of 32 cases.
- Eating Disorders: Cohort Profile: The Resilience for Eating and Activity Despite Inequality (READI) study.
- Eating Disorders: Comparing work productivity in obesity and binge eating.
- Eating Disorders: Comparison of DSM-IV Versus Proposed DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria for Eating Disorders in a Japanese Sample.
- Eating Disorders: Comparison of nutrient intake between patients with periodontitis and healthy subjects.
- Eating Disorders: Comparison of students' foodservice satisfaction between Korea and US.
- Eating Disorders: Comprehensive ICF Core Set for Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases: validation of the Activities and Participation component through the patient's perspective.
- Eating Disorders: Concomitant release of ventral tegmental acetylcholine and accumbal dopamine by ghrelin in rats.
- Eating Disorders: Deriving clinically meaningful cut-scores for fatigue in a cohort of breast cancer survivors: a Health, Eating, Activity, and Lifestyle (HEAL) Study.
- Eating Disorders: Development and validation of the self-management profile for type 2 diabetes (SMP-T2D).
- Eating Disorders: DEXA measures of body fat percentage and acute phase proteins among breast cancer survivors: a Cross-Sectional Analysis.
- Eating Disorders: Diagnosis of Eating Disorders in Older Women Increases as Awareness Grows - Huffington Post
- Eating Disorders: Diet and the risk of unipolar depression in adults: systematic review of cohort studies.
- Eating Disorders: Diet Quality and Weight Change among Overweight and Obese Postpartum Women Enrolled in a Behavioral Intervention Program.
- Eating Disorders: Diet Quality Is Inversely Related to Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adults.
- Eating Disorders: Dietary adherence and mealtime behaviors in young children with type 1 diabetes on intensive insulin therapy.
- Eating Disorders: Dietary Intake Among Native Hawaiian, Filipino, and White Children and Caregivers in Hawai'i.
- Eating Disorders: Dietary intake and physical performance in healthy elderly women: A 3-year follow-up.
- Eating Disorders: Dietary patterns and risk of colorectal cancer: a systematic review of cohort studies (2000-2011).
- Eating Disorders: Dietary recommendations in ambulatory care: evaluation of the southern remedy healthy eating plate.
- Eating Disorders: Differences in intestinal microbial metabolites in laying hens with high and low levels of repetitive feather-pecking behavior.
- Eating Disorders: Do frog-eating bats perceptually bind the complex components of frog calls?
- Eating Disorders: Don't tell me what I should do, but what others do: The influence of descriptive and injunctive peer norms on fruit consumption in adolescents.
- Eating Disorders: Early Food Choices May Signal Future Eating Disorders in Girls - YAHOO!
- Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire Factor Structure and Construct Validity in Bariatric Surgery Candidates.
- Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Symptoms and Obesity at the Intersections of Gender, Ethnicity, and Sexual Orientation in US High School Students.
- Eating Disorders: Eating disorders are seldom recognized - Columbus Dispatch
- Eating Disorders: Eating disorders memorial service held in Edinburgh - BBC News
- Eating Disorders: Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, and Impulsiveness among Disordered Gamblers in a Community Sample.
- Eating Disorders: Eating-related Environmental Factors in Underweight Eating Disorders and Obesity: Are There Common Vulnerabilities During Childhood and Early Adolescence?
- Eating Disorders: Effect of an obesogenic diet during the juvenile period on growth pattern, fatness and metabolic, cardiovascular and reproductive features of swine with obesity/leptin resistance.
- Eating Disorders: Effects of behavioral stress reduction Transcendental Meditation intervention in persons with HIV.
- Eating Disorders: Effects of eating fresh lean pork on cardiometabolic health parameters.
- Eating Disorders: Effects of Starvation
- Eating Disorders: End-of-Life Care for Persons with Advanced Alzheimer Disease: Design and Baseline Data from the ALFINE Study.
- Eating Disorders: Endogenous Opiates and Behavior: 2011.
- Eating Disorders: Evanna Lynch 'shaped' by eating disorder - Monsters and Critics
- Eating Disorders: Evidence of Brown Fat Activity in Constitutional Leanness.
- Eating Disorders: Examining supervised meals in patients with restrictive eating disorders.
- Eating Disorders: Executive function in eating disorders: The role of state anxiety.
- Eating Disorders: Expected Body Weight in Adolescents: Comparison Between Weight-for-Stature and BMI Methods.
- Eating Disorders: Extrinsic tooth enamel color changes and their relationship with the quality of water consumed.
- Eating Disorders: Fair-weather fare: Tips for smart eating during outdoor events.
- Eating Disorders: Family eating out-of-home: a review of nutrition and health policies.
- Eating Disorders: Flavour identification in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.
- Eating Disorders: Gender perceptions on eating disorders slow to change.
- Eating Disorders: General Information
- Eating Disorders: Girls' food choices at age 9 may predict future eating disorders - FOX News
- Eating Disorders: Glycaemic responses to glucose and rice in people of Chinese and European ethnicity.
- Eating Disorders: Group dialectical behavior therapy adapted for obese emotional eaters: a pilot study.
- Eating Disorders: Healthful eating: a family affair.
- Eating Disorders: How feasible is baby-led weaning as an approach to infant feeding? A review of the evidence.
- Eating Disorders: Hypervitaminosis D: case report of pediatric osteoporosis secondary to cystic fibrosis.
- Eating Disorders: Imagining One's Own and Someone Else's Body Actions: Dissociation in Anorexia Nervosa.
- Eating Disorders: Impulse Control and Related Disorders in Parkinson's Disease.
- Eating Disorders: Interactive programme to enhance protective factors for eating disorders in girls with type 1 diabetes.
- Eating Disorders: Internal regulation and eating: comment on a pediatric overweight prevention program.
- Eating Disorders: Knowledge and attitudes of psychiatrists towards eating disorders.
- Eating Disorders: Latent Profile Analysis to Determine the Typology of Disinhibited Eating Behaviors in Children and Adolescents.
- Eating Disorders: Latest advancements in the pharmacological treatment of binge eating disorder.
- Eating Disorders: Learning About Binge Eating Disorder - Huffington Post
- Eating Disorders: LIBER8 Design and Methods: An Integrative Intervention for Loss of Control Eating among African American and White Adolescent Girls.
- Eating Disorders: Lifestyle and Health among Spanish University Students: Differences by Gender and Academic Discipline.
- Eating Disorders: Little-Known Facts
- Eating Disorders: Longitudinal Changes in Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior from Adolescence to Adulthood: Comparing U.S.-Born and Foreign-Born Populations.
- Eating Disorders: Maladaptive eating patterns in children.
- Eating Disorders: Methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter in bulimic women: Associations with borderline personality disorder, suicidality, and exposure to childhood abuse.
- Eating Disorders: Midbrain Response to Milkshake Correlates with Ad Libitum Milkshake Intake in the Absence of Hunger.
- Eating Disorders: Misuse of prescription stimulants for weight loss, psychosocial variables, and eating disordered behaviors.
- Eating Disorders: Moderation: An alternative to restraint as a mode of weight self-regulation.
- Eating Disorders: My body and me: self-injurious behaviors and body modifications in eating disorders-preliminary results.
- Eating Disorders: my story to recovery
- Eating Disorders: National survey of US primary care physicians' perspectives about causes of obesity and solutions to improve care.
- Eating Disorders: Neighborhood food environment role in modifying psychosocial stress-diet relationships.
- Eating Disorders: Nocturnal Eating/Drinking Syndrome With Restless Legs Syndrome Caused by Neuroleptics Improved by Yi-Gan San Add-on Treatment: A Case Report.
- Eating Disorders: Norms for the Spanish version of the Eating Disorders Examination Questionnaire (S-EDE-Q).
- Eating Disorders: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels: the neurobiology of anorexia nervosa.
- Eating Disorders: Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels: the neurobiology of anorexia nervosa.
- Eating Disorders: Nutrition label use partially mediates the relationship between attitude toward healthy eating and overall dietary quality among college students.
- Eating Disorders: Nutritional and cultural aspects of the mediterranean diet.
- Eating Disorders: Obesity Screening in the Pediatric Emergency Department.
- Eating Disorders: Omega 3 fatty acids for preventing or slowing the progression of age-related macular degeneration.
- Eating Disorders: Opisthorchis felineus an emerging infection in Italy and its implication for the European Union.
- Eating Disorders: Organic Foods: Health and Environmental Advantages and Disadvantages.
- Eating Disorders: Pain and pain behavior in burning mouth syndrome: a pain diary study.
- Eating Disorders: Parents are Part of the Solution
- Eating Disorders: Perceptions of emotional eating behavior: a qualitative study of college students.
- Eating Disorders: Pharmacological modulation of the endocannabinoid signalling alters binge-type eating behaviour in female rats.
- Eating Disorders: Phosphatidylcholine supplementation in pregnant women consuming moderate-choline diets does not enhance infant cognitive function: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
- Eating Disorders: Posttraumatic stress disorder in women with binge eating disorder in primary care.
- Eating Disorders: Prediction of Recovery, Dependence or Death in Elders Who Become Disabled During Hospitalization.
- Eating Disorders: Predictors of Bovine TB Risk Behaviour amongst Meat Handlers in Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Study Guided by the Health Belief Model.
- Eating Disorders: Prevalence and Pharmacological Factors Associated With Impulse-Control Disorder Symptoms in Patients With Parkinson Disease.
- Eating Disorders: Prevalence of dentine hypersensitivity among Thai dental patients at the Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University.
- Eating Disorders: Preventing long-term risk of obesity for two generations: prenatal physical activity is part of the puzzle.
- Eating Disorders: Prevention programme for eating disturbances in adolescents. Is their effect on body image maintained at 30 months later?
- Eating Disorders: Profile: The King's College London unit tackling eating disorders.
- Eating Disorders: Programmed nuclear destruction in yeast: Self-eating by vacuolar lysis.
- Eating Disorders: Promoting Energy-Balance Behaviors Among Ethnically Diverse Adolescents: Overview and Baseline Findings of the Central Texas CATCH Middle School Project.
- Eating Disorders: Promoviendo una Alimentación Saludable (PAS) Design and Methods: Engaging Latino Families in Eating Disorder Treatment.
- Eating Disorders: Psychiatric disorders of patients seeking obesity treatment.
- Eating Disorders: Psychological outcomes and predictors of initial weight loss outcomes among severely obese adolescents receiving laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding.
- Eating Disorders: Quotes & Pictures
- Eating Disorders: Refeeding with a standard diet after a 48-h fast elicits an inflammatory response in the mouse liver.
- Eating Disorders: Relation between Eating Habits and a High Body Mass Index among Freshman Students: A Cross-Sectional Study.
- Eating Disorders: Relationship of RIC-3 gene rs1528133 polymorphism with varying degrees of body weight and eating behavior.
- Eating Disorders: Religion, spirituality and mental health: results from a national study of English households.
- Eating Disorders: Research and clinical findings--a wholistic view.
- Eating Disorders: Response patterns on interview and questionnaire versions of the Eating Disorder Examination and their impact on latent structure analyses.
- Eating Disorders: Risks and Warning Signs (Part 2 of 2)
- Eating Disorders: Rodent model in caries research.
- Eating Disorders: School related factors and 1yr change in physical activity amongst 9-11 year old English schoolchildren.
- Eating Disorders: Scourge of manorexia: Number of boys suffering from life-threatening eating disorder trebles in ten years - Daily Mail
- Eating Disorders: Screening for impulse control symptoms in patients with de novo Parkinson disease: A case-control study.
- Eating Disorders: Self-Efficacy for Healthy Eating and Peer Support for Unhealthy Eating Are Associated with Adolescents' Food Intake Patterns.
- Eating Disorders: Self-reported rate of eating and risk of overweight in Japanese children: ryukyus child health study.
- Eating Disorders: Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Related Risk Factors in Tabriz City, Iran, 2008.
- Eating Disorders: Service-learning in Higher Education Relevant to the Promotion of Physical Activity, Healthful Eating, and Prevention of Obesity.
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