mental health professionals

Can You Recognize Bipolar Versus Borderline Personality Disorder?

Question by Pippro: Can you recognize bipolar versus borderline personality disorder?
The symptoms and treatment for these two labels are very similar, as are the diagnoses criteria. Do you think the psychiatric community came up with these ‘illnesses’ to… Continue reading

How Does Borderline Personality Disorder Differ From Clinical Depression?

Question by W E: how does Borderline personality disorder differ from clinical depression?
From what I have read, I don’t understand the difference. A friend said Borderline personality disorder is similar to Munchhausen with the person only wanting mental… Continue reading

La Paloma Drug & Alcohol Treatment Facility Tour – Memphis, TN


La Paloma Drug & Alcohol Treatment Facility Tour – Memphis, TN – La Paloma is a recognized dual diagnosis facility specializing in alcohol, drug and prescription drug rehab along with mental health issues. Located in Memphis, Tennessee, La Paloma… Continue reading

Diabetes, Inflammation, Cancer, Joint, Depression, Relief and Support Part 2


Diabetes, Inflammation, Cancer, Joint, Depression, Relief and Support Part 2 – •Acetaminophen is the active pain-relieving ingredient in common drugs as Tylenol, Midol, and Anacin, and prescription medications as Percocet and Vicodin •A 5 year study of 200000… Continue reading

IDK Comics Vlog- the Depression Cure #4 – Depression Check-Up


IDK Comics Vlog- The Depression Cure #4 – Depression Check-Up – Hey there! And welcome to IDK’s first weekly series! I thought I’d talk about something that is unfortunately a part of my life–work, art, and relationships: Depression. IDK… Continue reading

Day for Night: Recognizing Teenage Depression (Symptoms)


Day For Night: Recognizing Teenage Depression (symptoms) – This clip from Day For Night:Recognizing Teenage Depression features teens and experts talking about the symptoms of depression. DFN:RTD is an in-depth look at the signs, symptoms, and treatment of teenage… Continue reading

Psychometric Properties of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS) in a Chinese-Speaking Population.

Psychometric Properties of the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale (IUS) in a Chinese-Speaking Population.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Behav Cogn Psychother. 2012 Nov 21; 1-5
Yang Z

Background: Studies have shown that the intolerance of uncertainty may play a key… Continue reading

What Are Some Books That Deal With Depression?

Question by altimaflare9999: what are some books that deal with depression?
I want to read a book that revolves around depressing people, not one of those “self-help” books but authors who make up them, like I read once a… Continue reading

Using Text Messaging to Prevent Relapse to Smoking: Intervention Development, Practicability and Client Reactions.

Using text messaging to prevent relapse to smoking: intervention development, practicability and client reactions.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Addiction. 2012 Dec; 107 Suppl 2: 39-44
Snuggs S, McRobbie H, Myers K, Schmocker F, Goddard J, Hajek P

The NHS… Continue reading

I Got “help” for My Mental Illness and They Dumped me….help?

Question by V: I got “help” for my mental illness and they dumped me….help?
I have pretty serious depression and anxiety. I sought help for it – but my therapist acts like she is sick of me now. I… Continue reading