Dual diagnosis

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab- Miramar Drug Rehab Center


Dual Diagnosis Treatment in a Drug and Alcohol Rehab- Miramar Drug Rehab Center – Miramar drug and alcohol treatment center (888) 363-8721. http://www.miramarlagunabeach.com/dual-diagnosis/dual_diagnosis_treatment_center To understand dual…


Treatment for heroin addiction is available, for a price
And the problem… Continue reading

Is “Loss of Control” Always a Consequence of Addiction?

Is “Loss of Control” Always a Consequence of Addiction?

Front Psychiatry. 2013; 4: 36
Griffiths MD

HubMed – addiction


Stress differentially alters mu opioid receptor density and trafficking in parvalbumin-containing interneurons in the female and male rat hippocampus.… Continue reading

Prevalence of Trachoma in the Far North Region of Cameroon: Results of a Survey in 27 Health Districts.

Prevalence of trachoma in the far north region of cameroon: results of a survey in 27 health districts.

PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013 May; 7(5): e2240
Noa Noatina B, Kagmeni G, Mengouo MN, Moungui HC, Tarini A, Zhang Y,… Continue reading

Cortical-Striatal Gene Expression in Neonatal Hippocampal Lesion-Amplified Cocaine Sensitization.

Cortical-striatal gene expression in neonatal hippocampal lesion-amplified cocaine sensitization.

Genes Brain Behav. 2013 May 17;
Chambers RA, McClintick JN, Sentir AM, Berg SA, Runyan M, Choi KH, Edenberg HJ

Cortical-striatal circuit dysfunction in mental illness may enhance addiction vulnerability. Neonatal ventral hippocampal lesions (NVHL) model this dual diagnosis causality by producing a schizophrenia syndrome with enhanced responsiveness to addictive drugs. Rat genome-wide microarrays containing >24,000 probsets were used to examine separate and co-occurring effects… Continue reading

Dual Diagnosis Capability in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs.

Dual Diagnosis Capability in Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs.

J Dual Diagn. 2013 4; 9(2): 179-186
Padwa H, Larkins S, Crevecoeur-Macphail DA, Grella CE

Improved understanding of the relative strengths and weaknesses of treatment organizations’ dual… Continue reading

Substance Abuse Treatment Center Atlanta


Substance abuse treatment center Atlanta – Our substance abuse treatment center is a premier rehab. Atlanta, for addiction and mental disorders try our dual diagnosis program at a substance abuse trea…


I Did It Just For Your Mother… Continue reading



Chef – Malibu Horizon is the leading Los Angeles Drug rehab detox treatment center. They specialize in opiate detox and dual diagnosis rehab. http://www.malibuhoriz…


Letter: Depression affects teens deeply
Maybe if health class actually taught us positive coping… Continue reading

What Type of Anxiety Disorder Do I Have?

Question by Oliver M: What type of anxiety disorder do i have?
I feel extremely anxious during certain moments of my life. Since the commencement of the new school year I felt extremely anxious during my first period. My hands… Continue reading

Recreational Therapy – Florida Drug Addiction Treatment


Recreational Therapy – Florida Drug Addiction Treatment – Recreation is an intregal part of holistic drug addiction rehab and alcohol addiction therapy treatment plans offered by Treatment Alternatives.


Annals of Medicine: Remembering Walter
How Mad Men! Mostly, however,… Continue reading

Inhibition of Melanoma Growth by Small Molecules That Promote the Mitochondrial Localization of ATF2.

Inhibition of Melanoma Growth by Small Molecules that Promote the Mitochondrial Localization of ATF2.

Clin Cancer Res. 2013 Apr 15;
Varsano T, Lau E, Feng Y, Garrido M, Milan L, Heynen-Genel S, Hassig CA, Ronai ZA

PURPOSE: Effective therapy… Continue reading