Systematic Review

Assessment of the Escalating Growth of Facet Joint Interventions in the Medicare Population in the United States From 2000 to 2011.

...  M Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a complex pain syndrome. Since its pathogenesis is still poorly understood and structural alterations in pain related brain regions may be present, there is a greater acceptance that sensitization of the central nervous… Continue reading

What Place for Ethics? an Overview of Ethics Teaching in Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Programs in Canada.

...  rehabilitation of patients after lumbar disc surgery. Different pathways to chronic pain and disability with physical underuse in fear-avoidance patients and overuse in endurance patients should be considered. Different pain-related pain response pattern, based on the avoidance-endurance model, indicate… Continue reading

Clinical Tools That Measure Sitting Posture, Seated Postural Control or Functional Abilities in Children With Motor Impairments: A Systematic Review.

...  tools that measure sitting posture, seated postural control or functional abilities in children with motor impairments: a systematic review. Clin Rehabil. 2013 Jul 15; Field D, Livingstone R Objective:To identify and critically appraise clinical measurement tools used to… Continue reading

The Views of Stakeholders on the Role of the Primary School in Preventing Childhood Obesity: A Qualitative Systematic Review.

...  views of stakeholders on the role of the primary school in preventing childhood obesity: a qualitative systematic review. Obes Rev. 2013 Jul 12; Clarke J, Fletcher B, Lancashire E, Pallan M, Adab P Schools are increasingly recognized as… Continue reading

Protocol: Effect of Intravitreal Bevacizumab (Avastin) in the Treatment of Macular Edema: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.

...  Effect of intravitreal bevacizumab (avastin) in the treatment of macular edema: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials. J Res Med Sci. 2012 Dec; 17(12): 1180-1187Qazi HA Cystoid macular edema (CME) is a relatively common painless condition usually accompanied… Continue reading

A Choice-Based Screening Method for Compulsive Drug Users in Rats.

...  Persistence of cocaine use in the face of a high-stakes choice is a core defining feature of compulsion. This choice-based screening method for compulsive drug users is easy to implement, has several important applications, and compares well with other… Continue reading

Aspen Plus(®) and Economic Modeling of Equine Waste Utilization For Localized Hot Water Heating via Fast Pyrolysis.

...  by non-condensable gas and about 40% of the biochar co-produced with bio-oil. Techno-economic Analysis shows neither design is economical at current market conditions; however the 15 ODMTPD CRIPS design would break even when diesel prices reach $ 11.40/gal. This… Continue reading

Factors Influencing Referral to Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Programs: A Systematic Review.

...  influencing referral to cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs: a systematic review. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2013 Aug; 20(4): 692-700Clark AM, King-Shier KM, Duncan A, Spaling M, Stone JA, Jaglal S, Angus J Referral to cardiac rehabilitation and… Continue reading

A Pilot Study of Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Alcohol-Dependent Women With Co-Occurring Major Depression.

...  high treatment satisfaction on the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire-8. Women’s drinking behavior, depressive symptoms, and interpersonal functioning improved significantly over the treatment period and were sustained at follow-up. Conclusions: These preliminary findings suggest that IPT is a feasible, highly acceptable… Continue reading

Combined Radio- and Chemotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Systematic Review of Landmark Studies Based on Acquired Citations.

...  Radio- and Chemotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Systematic Review of Landmark Studies Based on Acquired Citations. Front Oncol. 2013; 3: 176Nieder C, Pawinski A, Andratschke NH The important role of combined chemoradiation for several groups of patients with… Continue reading