Chinese Medicine

Does Obama Smoke Cigarettes – the Highest Quality of Cigarettes


Does obama smoke cigarettes – the highest quality of cigarettes – Does obama smoke cigarettes – link to online store Wholesale tobacco store provides a wide variety of fresh Premium cigarettes brands. The best quality of duty free… Continue reading

Plasma Pharmacochemistry Combined With Microdialysis to Screen Potential Bioactive Components and Their Metabolites in Anemarrhena Asphodeloides Saponin Extract Using Ultrahigh-Performance Liquid Chromatography/quadrupole-Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry.

Plasma pharmacochemistry combined with microdialysis to screen potential bioactive components and their metabolites in Anemarrhena asphodeloides saponin extract using ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

J Sep Sci. 2013 Mar 6;
Liu Z, Liu M, Qi Y, Zhu Z, Chai… Continue reading

Hsp90 Inhibitors Exhibit Resistance-Free Antiviral Activity Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

Hsp90 Inhibitors Exhibit Resistance-Free Antiviral Activity against Respiratory Syncytial Virus.

PLoS One. 2013; 8(2): e56762
Geller R, Andino R, Frydman J

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory illness in young children, leading to significant morbidity… Continue reading

Albizia – “Happiness Herb” – Chinese Medicine for Treating Stress, Anxiety and Depression


Albizia – “Happiness Herb” – Chinese medicine for treating stress, anxiety and depression – Visit our Official Shop here: – Albizia julibrissin view photo This freshly harvested 100% organic and finely powdered bark is very easy to use… Continue reading

[Zebrafish as a Model Animal for the Study of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability by Biomolecules].

[Zebrafish as a model animal for the study of blood-brain barrier permeability by biomolecules].

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Yao Xue Xue Bao. 2012 Nov; 47(11): 1447-51
Fu AL, Chen HY, Xu XR, Zhao BQ

Blood-brain barrier (BBB)… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation: [Silica-Coated Ethosome as a Novel Oral Delivery System for Enhanced Oral Bioavailability of Curcumin].

[Silica-coated ethosome as a novel oral delivery system for enhanced oral bioavailability of curcumin].

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Yao Xue Xue Bao. 2012 Nov; 47(11): 1541-7
Li C, Deng L, Zhang Y, Su TT, Jiang Y, Chen… Continue reading

Drug Design for Neuropathic Pain Regulation From Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Drug design for neuropathic pain regulation from traditional chinese medicine.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Sci Rep. 2013; 3: 844
Tou WI, Chang SS, Lee CC, Chen CY

FAAH-like anandamide transporter (FLAT) regulates anandamide transport for hydrolysis and… Continue reading

Depression Reasons & Remedies Part 3.flv


Depression Reasons & Remedies Part 3.flv – better video for Indian. Reason of stress and remedies to remove Depression by Pradeep Bansal. Confidence building seminar & workshop clips. Motivator & positive attitude Mind trainer in Hindi & English. He… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation: Safety and Efficacy of Cabazitaxel in the Docetaxel-Treated Patients With Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer.

Safety and efficacy of cabazitaxel in the docetaxel-treated patients with hormone-refractory prostate cancer.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Clin Med Insights Oncol. 2013; 7: 1-12
Calcagno F, Nguyen T, Dobi E, Villanueva C, Curtit E, Kim S, Montcuquet… Continue reading

Gingival Crevicular Fluid as a Periodontal Diagnostic Indicator- I: Host Derived Enzymes and Tissue Breakdown Products.

Gingival crevicular fluid as a periodontal diagnostic indicator- I: Host derived enzymes and tissue breakdown products.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

J Med Life. 2012 Dec 15; 5(4): 390-7
Gupta G

Researchers involved in the delivery of periodontal… Continue reading