Borderline personality disorder

Improving the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: A Novel Approach by Modulating 5-HT(1A) Receptors.

Improving the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: A Novel Approach by Modulating 5-HT(1A) Receptors.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Aging Dis. 2013 Feb; 4(1): 1-13
Shimizu S, Ohno Y

Parkinson’s disease, the most common neurological disorder in the elderly, is characterized… Continue reading

Eating Disorders: Methylation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene Promoter in Bulimic Women: Associations With Borderline Personality Disorder, Suicidality, and Exposure to Childhood Abuse.

Methylation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene promoter in bulimic women: Associations with borderline personality disorder, suicidality, and exposure to childhood abuse.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Int J Eat Disord. 2013 Feb 17;
Steiger H, Labonté B, Groleau P, Turecki… Continue reading

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Response in Vulnerable and Resilient Genetic Lines in the Chick Anxiety-Depression Model.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor response in vulnerable and resilient genetic lines in the chick anxiety-depression model.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Behav Brain Res. 2013 Feb 5;
Loria MJ, White SW, Robbins SA, Salmeto AL, Hymel KA, Murthy SN, Manda P,… Continue reading

Eating Disorders: An Intensive DBT Program for Patients With Multidiagnostic Eating Disorder Presentations: A Case Series Analysis.

An intensive DBT program for patients with multidiagnostic eating disorder presentations: A case series analysis.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Int J Eat Disord. 2013 Feb 5;
Federici A, Wisniewski L

OBJECTIVE: This study presents case-series data on a novel… Continue reading

What Is the Definition of a Psychiatric Disability?

Question by eloiselt: What is the definition of a psychiatric disability?
I looked it up, but can’t seem to find a clear answer.
Which of these would be considered a psychiatric disability?
-Clinical Depression
-Rapid… Continue reading

Eating Disorders: Misuse of Prescription Stimulants for Weight Loss, Psychosocial Variables, and Eating Disordered Behaviors.

Misuse of prescription stimulants for weight loss, psychosocial variables, and eating disordered behaviors.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Appetite. 2013 Jan 29;
Jeffers A, Benotsch EG, Koester S

In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the non-medical… Continue reading

Early Improvement in Eating Attitudes During Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders: The Impact of Personality Disorder Cognitions.

Early Improvement in Eating Attitudes during Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Eating Disorders: The Impact of Personality Disorder Cognitions.

Filed under: Eating Disorders

Behav Cogn Psychother. 2013 Feb 1; 1-14
Park EC, Waller G, Gannon K

Background: The personality disorders… Continue reading

The Science of Early Life Toxic Stress for Pediatric Practice and Advocacy.

The Science of Early Life Toxic Stress for Pediatric Practice and Advocacy.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Pediatrics. 2013 Jan 21;
Johnson SB, Riley AW, Granger DA, Riis J

Young children who experience toxic stress are at high risk for… Continue reading

Dr. Berkus, Medical Director of Eating Disorders at Fairwinds Treatment Center


Dr. Berkus, Medical Director of Eating Disorders at Fairwinds Treatment Center – Dr. Berkus speaks about the warning signs and symptoms of people suffering from either anorexia, bulimia or compulsive overeating.


EDMONTON – Oprah Winfrey believes Lance Armstrong… Continue reading

What Do You Think of Psychological Labels of the Modern Age?

Question by zigzagidiot: what do you think of psychological labels of the modern age?
what are the limits of fitting oneself or another into a psychological label – like “depression”, “borderline personality”, “obsesive compulsive disorder”, “bi-polar” or “schizophrenia” ?… Continue reading