mental illness

Aid in Recovery Comments on Study Measuring Link Between Mental Illness

Aid in Recovery Comments on Study Measuring Link Between Mental Illness
Aid in Recovery, a full service drug and alcohol treatment center in South Florida, released a statement today commenting on new research that examine s the link between… Continue reading

I Think Psychologists Are Full of Crap, Do You Agree?

Question by anonymous: I think Psychologists are full of crap, do you agree?
*I took a psychological evaluation. The psychologist thinks I am bi-polar. He says I have “Hypomania”. I don’t think it should be considered a mental illness to… Continue reading

UK Scientists Found the First Biomarker for Boys at Risk of Major Depression

UK Scientists Found The First Biomarker For Boys At Risk Of Major Depression
LONDON (Reuters) – British brain scientists have identified the first biomarker, or biological signpost, for clinical depression and say it could help find boys in particular who… Continue reading

Manic/bipolar Depression?

Question by pez388: Manic/bipolar depression?
I am stage 2(the worst stage to have) of Manic bipolar depression. I have been diagnosed with it for about two years now. I have to take flourexetine for it…which I dont think is working… Continue reading

USF Psychologist: Childhood Depression May Increase Risk of Heart Disease by

USF psychologist: Childhood depression may increase risk of heart disease by
The investigators surveyed more than 200 children with a history of clinical depression, as well as about 200 of their siblings who have never suffered from depression. They… Continue reading

ADHD and Drugs: Treating Illness, Masking Trouble, Boosting Performance

ADHD and drugs: treating illness, masking trouble, boosting performance
They probed issues from allergies to home stability before concluding that Paul, who is now 13, had attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. While the family … ADHD diagnosis rates for school age… Continue reading

Paradigm Malibu Announces Increased Focus on Relapse Treatments for Teens

Paradigm Malibu Announces Increased Focus on Relapse Treatments For Teens
Rucker explains further, saying, "What so many treatment centers do is treat the problem at hand, the addiction. However, almost 60% of people who have mental illnesses, such as bipolar,… Continue reading

How the Pursuit of a 'pure' Diet Can Go Too Far

How the pursuit of a 'pure' diet can go too far
Both women say they were struggling with orthorexia, a condition that had them so consumed with a health food diet — or, as many people now term it, a… Continue reading

What Is the Difference Between an “Eating Disorder” and “Disordered Eating”?

Question by StephieMarie: What is the difference between an “Eating Disorder” and “Disordered Eating”?
Is it just a weight requirement or how common they do the stuff???

Best answer:

Answer by Ryou
Disordered eating refers to troublesome eating behaviors, such… Continue reading

My New Daughter-in-Law Has Either Bi-Polar Disorder or Manic Depression. What Are the Best Ways to Diagnose?

Question by kentonskitty: My new daughter-in-law has either bi-polar disorder or manic depression. What are the best ways to diagnose?
I am about out of my mind. When she first moved in she was supposedly afraid of my son’s aggressions,… Continue reading