mental health problems

The Activity of Dying: Death and Art Merge as a Performance Piece

The Activity of Dying: Death And Art Merge As A Performance Piece
This is the same with suffering, there is a channel of pain I call 'The Void' which is too big, too dark, ultimately the sense of aloneness and… Continue reading

New Mothers Are Developing Depression Because They Feel Under Pressure to Do

New mothers are developing depression because they feel under pressure to do
'Mental health problems in pregnancy can have consequences for both mother and baby, and we need to create both a society and a health care system where… Continue reading

Better Presurgery Mood Predicts Better Postsurgery Recovery

Better Presurgery Mood Predicts Better Postsurgery Recovery
Stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems can weaken immune systems and make one more susceptible to illness and disease. Studies have demonstrated the positive effects of psychosocial interventions on cancer patients… Continue reading

Kids Exercise and Mental Health

Kids Exercise and Mental Health
A report finds active children are far less prone to develop mental health problems.



Culture of silence limits Latinas battling higher depression rates
image. For years, Bienvenidos Community Health clinic in Los Angeles… Continue reading

Dealing With Social Anxiety! a How to Guide.

Dealing with Social Anxiety! A how to guide.
Hey whats up guys my name is nathan aka pandasonixx and i like to make these videos to entertain myself because yolo. So how are you? cool. Anyway, ttly.



Rupert… Continue reading

Sense and Sinsemilla on CNN

Sense and Sinsemilla on CNN
GUPTA: Preliminary research shows that early-onset smokers are slower at tasks, have lower IQ's later in life, higher risk of strokes, and increased incidence of psychotic disorders. And while these studies are not conclusive, some… Continue reading

How Exercise Can Be More Effective for Those With Mental Health Problems Than

How exercise can be more effective for those with mental health problems than
… depression for the first time found that those who were given advice about exercising – and who exercised more – as well as receiving antidepressants… Continue reading

Bipolar Disorder May Vary Depending on Weight, Eating Disorders

Bipolar Disorder May Vary Depending on Weight, Eating Disorders
This study found that bipolar patients who binge eat are more likely to have other mental health problems, such as suicidal thoughts, psychosis, anxiety disorders and substance abuse. Obese bipolar patients… Continue reading

A New Lease on Life

A New Lease on Life
I had bouts of depression. One of the saving graces in my life came in a Job Club created by a local organization called Project ASSIST.* Every Monday morning a group of residents struggling with… Continue reading

Why Is Depression So Hard to Treat?

Why is depression so hard to treat?
Dr. Mark Ragins A leading voice in recovery-based treatment theory. Why is depression so hard to treat?



Can cognitive behavioural therapy really change our brains?
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is… Continue reading