Emotional Health

My Story – Ending Pain, Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue


My Story – Ending Pain, Anxiety, Depression and Fatigue – Here’s a short bio explaining the issues I suffered with for years and how I came to develop an at home exercise program that eliminated all of them quickly!…… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Early Detection of Ischemia by Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Capable of Intracardiac Electrogram Monitoring in a Case of Old Myocardial Infarction.

Early detection of ischemia by implantable cardioverter defibrillator capable of intracardiac electrogram monitoring in a case of old myocardial infarction.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Cardiovasc Interv Ther. 2013 Jan 22;
Ishihara T, Watanabe T, Fujita M, Awata M, Nanto… Continue reading

Evaluation of Serum Sodium Changes in Tricyclic Antidepressants Toxicity and Its Correlation With Electrocardiography, Serum pH, and Toxicity Severity.

Evaluation of serum sodium changes in tricyclic antidepressants toxicity and its correlation with electrocardiography, serum pH, and toxicity severity.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Adv Biomed Res. 2012; 1: 68
Gheshlaghi F, Eizadi-Mood N, Emamikhah-Abarghooeii S, Arzani-Shamsabadi M

Tricyclic antidepressants… Continue reading

Natural Cure for Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia..


Natural Cure for Depression, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia.. – **TRANSCRIPT: encognitive.com This alternative therapy employs vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to create optimum nutritional content for the body, as well as the right environment and equilibrium. Like most alternative medicine… Continue reading

Music Therapy & Emotions for Depression, Stress & Mental Health Issues


Music Therapy & Emotions for Depression, Stress & Mental Health Issues – Music Therapy & Emotions for Depression, Stress & Mental Health Issues Hope E. Young, The founder for the Center For Music Therapy in Austin discusses the use… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Hill-Sachs Lesion on FDG PET/CT.

Hill-Sachs Lesion on FDG PET/CT.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Clin Nucl Med. 2013 Jan; 38(1): 65-6
Ulaner GA, Tewari S

ABSTRACT: A woman with colon cancer underwent FDG PET/CT. Images demonstrated an FDG-avid lytic defect in the posterosuperior right… Continue reading

Restoration House Program for Mothers With Drug Problems?

Question by djvenney: Restoration house program for mothers with drug problems?
A community based residentioal treatment program for women with dependent children, shows that 70 percent of women who completed follow up interviews six months after treatment have maintained… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Course of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following War in the Balkans: 1-Year Follow-Up Study.

Course of post-traumatic stress disorder following war in the Balkans: 1-year follow-up study.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Psychol Med. 2012 Nov 29; 1-11
Priebe S, Gavrilovic J, Bremner S, Ajdukovic D, Franciskovic T, Neri G, Kucukalic A, Lecic-Tosevski D,… Continue reading

Neurogenesis and Generalization: A New Approach to Stratify and Treat Anxiety Disorders.

Neurogenesis and generalization: a new approach to stratify and treat anxiety disorders.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Nat Neurosci. 2012 Nov; 15(12): 1613-20
Kheirbek MA, Klemenhagen KC, Sahay A, Hen R

Although an influence of adult neurogenesis in mediating some… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Attention and Memory Biases as Stable Abnormalities Among Currently Depressed and Currently Remitted Individuals With Unipolar Depression.

Attention and memory biases as stable abnormalities among currently depressed and currently remitted individuals with unipolar depression.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Front Psychiatry. 2012; 3: 99
Gupta R, Kar BR

Background: In the present study, we explored the possibility… Continue reading