treatment strategies

Prevalence of Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse in Veterans With Psychiatric Diagnoses.

Prevalence of childhood physical and sexual abuse in veterans with psychiatric diagnoses.

J Nerv Ment Dis. 2013 Apr; 201(4): 348-52
Koola MM, Qualls C, Kelly DL, Skelton K, Bradley B, Amar R, Duncan EJ

We examined the prevalence of… Continue reading

Reduced Susceptibility of Plasmodium Falciparum to Artesunate in Southern Myanmar.

Reduced Susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum to Artesunate in Southern Myanmar.

PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e57689
Kyaw MP, Nyunt MH, Chit K, Aye MM, Aye KH, Aye MM, Lindegardh N, Tarning J, Imwong M, Jacob CG, Rasmussen C, Perin J,… Continue reading

Repressive Epigenetic Changes at the Mglu2 Promoter in Frontal Cortex of 5-HT2A Knockout Mice.

Repressive Epigenetic Changes at the Mglu2 Promoter in Frontal Cortex of 5-HT2A Knockout Mice.

Mol Pharmacol. 2013 Mar 18;
Kurita M, Moreno JL, Holloway T, Kozlenkov A, Mocci G, Garcia-Bea A, Hanks JB, Neve R, Nestler EJ, Russo SJ,… Continue reading

The Glucocorticoid Antagonist RU-486 Suppresses HIV Infectivity and Replication.

The Glucocorticoid Antagonist RU-486 Suppresses HIV Infectivity and Replication.

J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Mar 1; 25(1): 51-7
Benton TD, Lynch KG, Dubé B, Gettes DR, Tustin NB, Metzger DS, Blume J, Douglas SD, Evans DL

The effects of… Continue reading

Efficient Generation of Stable Bispecific IgG1 by Controlled Fab-Arm Exchange.

Efficient generation of stable bispecific IgG1 by controlled Fab-arm exchange.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 11;
Labrijn AF, Meesters JI, de Goeij BE, van den Bremer ET, Neijssen J, van Kampen MD, Strumane K, Verploegen… Continue reading

The Difficult Concussion Patient: What Is the Best Approach to Investigation and Management of Persistent (>10 Days) Postconcussive Symptoms?

The difficult concussion patient: what is the best approach to investigation and management of persistent (>10 days) postconcussive symptoms?

Br J Sports Med. 2013 Apr; 47(5): 308-13
Makdissi M, Cantu RC, Johnston KM, McCrory P, Meeuwisse WH

Concussion in sport typically recovers clinically within 10 days of injury. In some cases, however, symptoms may be prolonged or complications may develop. The objectives of the current paper are to review the literature regarding the difficult concussion and to provide recommendations for an approach to the investigation and management of patients with persistent symptoms.A qualitative review of the literature on concussion in sport was conducted with a focus on prolonged recovery, long-term complications and management including investigation and treatment strategies. MEDLINE and Sports Discus databases were reviewed.Persistent symptoms (>10 days) are generally reported in 10-15% of concussions. This figure may be higher in certain sports… Continue reading

Monetary Reward Processing in Obese Individuals With and Without Binge Eating Disorder.

Monetary Reward Processing in Obese Individuals With and Without Binge Eating Disorder.

Biol Psychiatry. 2013 Feb 23;
Balodis IM, Kober H, Worhunsky PD, White MA, Stevens MC, Pearlson GD, Sinha R, Grilo CM, Potenza MN

BACKGROUND: An important step… Continue reading

Protein Kinase C? Is a Modulator of the Dopamine D2 Autoreceptor-Activated Trafficking of the Dopamine Transporter.

Protein kinase C? is a modulator of the dopamine D2 autoreceptor-activated trafficking of the dopamine transporter.

J Neurochem. 2013 Mar 4;
Chen R, Daining CP, Sun H, Fraser R, Stokes SL, Leitges M, Gnegy ME

The strength and duration… Continue reading

Psychosocial and Psychological Interventions for Preventing Postpartum Depression.

Psychosocial and psychological interventions for preventing postpartum depression.

Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013; 2: CD001134
Dennis CL, Dowswell T

Epidemiological studies and meta-analyses of predictive studies have consistently demonstrated the importance of psychosocial and psychological variables as postpartum depression… Continue reading

Protein-Losing Enteropathy Following the Fontan Procedure in a Child With Intestinal Lactase Deficiency Treated With Lactose-Free Diet.

Protein-losing enteropathy following the Fontan procedure in a child with intestinal lactase deficiency treated with lactose-free diet.

Cardiol Young. 2013 Feb 27; 1-3
Kienast W, Haeseler K, Herterich R

A 12-year-old girl presented with a protein-losing enteropathy. Symptoms started… Continue reading