stress and anxiety

Stimulate or Degenerate Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Basalis Meynert in Alzheimer’s Dementia.

Stimulate or degenerate Deep brain stimulation of the Nucleus basalis Meynert in Alzheimer’s dementia.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

World Neurosurg. 2012 Dec 11;
Hardenacke K, Kuhn J, Lenartz D, Maarouf M, Mai JK, Bartsch C, Freund HJ, Sturm V… Continue reading

Measuring Your Dependence: Deranged Corticobulbar Excitability May Uncover Addiction Disorders.

Measuring your dependence: deranged corticobulbar excitability may uncover addiction disorders.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Front Psychiatry. 2012; 3: 107
Vicario CM, Ticini LF

HubMed – addiction


Understanding the neuroinflammatory response following concussion to develop treatment strategies.

Filed under:… Continue reading

Stress, Anxiety and Depression (Part 1)


Stress, Anxiety and Depression (Part 1) – Life has become stressful for many people because of the turbulence in the economy. In part one of this interview with Ellen Beth Levitt, psychiatrist Jill RachBeisel covers the following topics: Good… Continue reading

Depression and Anxiety in Women


Depression And Anxiety In Women – Anxiety and depression in women Depression is a universal experience. We all experience it at some point in our lives. But what causes depression, or why do people get depressed? There are… Continue reading