rheumatoid arthritis

Pain Severity and Neuropathic Pain Symptoms in Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome: A Comparison Study of Seropositive and Seronegative Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Pain Severity and Neuropathic Pain symptoms in primary Sjogren’s syndrome: A comparison study of seropositive and seronegative Sjogren’s syndrome.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2013 Jan 17;
Segal BM, Pogatchnik B, Henn L, Rudser K, Sivils… Continue reading

Cognitive Decline and Cardiometabolic Risk Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic White Adults in the San Luis Valley Health and Aging Study.

Cognitive decline and cardiometabolic risk among Hispanic and non-Hispanic white adults in the San Luis Valley Health and Aging Study.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

J Behav Med. 2013 Jan 18;
Hildreth KL, Grigsby J, Bryant LL, Wolfe P, Baxter… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: The Relationship Between Cognitive Function and Physical Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The Relationship Between Cognitive Function and Physical Function in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

J Rheumatol. 2013 Jan 15;
Shin SY, Julian L, Katz P

OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between cognitive impairment and functional limitations and disability… Continue reading

Cognitive Remediation and Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Individuals With Severe Mental Illness.

Cognitive remediation and psychosocial rehabilitation for individuals with severe mental illness.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Rehabil Res Pract. 2012; 2012: 283602
McGurk SR, Eack SM, Kurtz M, Mueser KT

HubMed – rehab


Can social history variables predict prison… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation: Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis Due to Tocilizumab in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient.

Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis due to Tocilizumab in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Patient.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Case Report Rheumatol. 2012; 2012: 517424
Izquierdo JH, Bonilla-Abadía F, Ochoa CD, Agualimpia A, Tobón GJ, Cañas CA

We report a… Continue reading

For Bipolar People Is There an Opposite to Manic Dysphoria and What Is It Called?

Question by bluguy57: For Bipolar People Is There An Opposite To Manic Dysphoria And What Is It Called?
I know that for bipolar people you can be in a manic state of energy but extreme upset i.e. manic dysphoria.… Continue reading

Rehab Centers: Efficacy and Safety of Biologic Treatments in Familial Mediterranean Fever.

Efficacy and Safety of Biologic Treatments in Familial Mediterranean Fever.

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Am J Med Sci. 2012 Dec 28;
Akgul O, Kilic E, Kilic G, Ozgocmen S

OBJECTIVE:: Colchicine is the mainstay treatment for Familial Mediterranean Fever… Continue reading

Antitumor Efficacy of a Novel CLA-PTX Microemulsion Against Brain Tumors: In Vitro and in Vivo Findings.

Antitumor efficacy of a novel CLA-PTX microemulsion against brain tumors: in vitro and in vivo findings.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Int J Nanomedicine. 2012; 7: 6105-14
Li D, Yang K, Li JS, Ke XY, Duan Y, Du… Continue reading

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation: G Protein-Coupled Receptors – Recent Advances.

G protein-coupled receptors – recent advances.

Filed under: Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Acta Biochim Pol. 2012 Dec 18;
Latek D, Modzelewska A, Trzaskowski B, Palczewski K, Filipek S

The years 2000 and 2007 witnessed milestones in current understanding of… Continue reading

Depression Treatment: Pediatricians’ Self-Reported Role in Treating Children and Adolescents With Major Depressive Disorder: A National Random Survey.

Pediatricians’ Self-Reported Role in Treating Children and Adolescents With Major Depressive Disorder: A National Random Survey.

Filed under: Depression Treatment

Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2012; 14(4):
Pfalzgraf AR, Scott V, Makela EH, Hartsock SL, Kavookjian J, Miller LA… Continue reading