illicit drug

Are There Any Free Alcohol Treatment Center?

Question by GTSweetheart019: Are there any free alcohol treatment center?
I live in the state of New York. I was wondering If there are any free alcohol counseling session or meeting i could… Continue reading

Do I Need to Go to a Rehab Center?

Question by Erik: Do i need to go to a rehab center?
Is it possible that i need rehab from alcohol, ecstasy, and cocaine abuse when i was 16 years old? Now i’m 20 years old and sometimes i wonder… Continue reading

Residential Rehabilitation Center Staff (512) 858-9600 NOVA Recovery Rehabilitation Center Staff

Residential Rehabilitation Center Staff (512) 858-9600 NOVA Recovery Rehabilitation Center Staff — Residential Rehabilitation Center Staff Call us today! (512) 858-9600 Resident…

IG: Vet overdosed while in VA rehab center
He had a history of drug abuse while in… Continue reading

Bipolar Disorder or Depression?

Question by : Bipolar Disorder or Depression?
I think I have one of these because it’s like one minute I’m talking rapidly and I’m happy and energized then the next I’m upset and refuse to speak to anyone.… Continue reading

Rural Ohio Ravaged by Drug Deaths

Rural Ohio ravaged by drug deaths
Experts say treatment and rehabilitation is the key to fighting the drug problem, but only about a half-dozen treatment centers in southwest Ohio offer opiate addiction services, according to the Ohio Department of Alcohol… Continue reading

Why Do I Feel Guilty to Do Something About My Depression?

Question by Wozza291: Why do I feel guilty to do something about my depression?
I think I have been depressed for a number of years now. I think it has been that long… Continue reading

How Many People Are in Drug and Alcohol Treatment Each Year in the US?

Question by lynsey: How many people are in drug and alcohol treatment each year in the US?
I am doing a research paper on drugs and alcohol for a college health class. Does anyone know a website that… Continue reading

Prison System Opens 're-entry' Center

Prison system opens 're-entry' center
Crews and Warden Walt Summers said all prisons have some programs, including high school equivalency and drug-rehabilitation efforts, but the new one will be the first with inmate transition its sole mission. The department is… Continue reading

Why Do People Use the Phrase “Drugs and Alcohol”?

Question by Phrimburger: why do people use the phrase “drugs and alcohol”?
Alcohol is a very powerful drug (that kills ~80,000 people each year in the US alone, way more than all illicit drugs combined) and anyone that considers alcohol… Continue reading

Canines Can Suffer From Anxiety and Depression According to Veterinary Specialist

Canines can suffer from anxiety and depression according to veterinary specialist
Behavioural therapy and medication are required to treat anxiety, depression and other illnesses in the minds of man's best friend. Animal behaviour specialist Dr Gabrielle Carter said dogs who… Continue reading