Can a Person Drink Alcohol After Recovery for an Unrelated Drug Additction?

Question by : Can a person drink alcohol after recovery for an unrelated drug additction?
My friend just got out of rehab for Suboxone and crack cocaine abuse about a month ago after checking in voluntarily having realized he needed help (Suboxone was the primary problem, the crack was just a drug he did in tandem with it.) . He’s been really good about staying away from both as well as the people who facilitate his abusive behavior so far. We’ve gone to the bars a few times since or had some beers at my place with no noticeable problems on his end about cravings. However, his father called me and told me I need to stop drinking with him entirely, for good, or he will do his best to separate the two of us; saying that as an addict the alcohol will lead him either back to those drugs or to alcoholism. We’re both 21 and college students so he’s not a minor that can be forcibly controlled by his parents, but in the same right his father is doing what he thinks he needs to to keep his son safe. I am skeptical about whether he really should never drink again, or whether his father is operating under the assumption that my friend is simply unable to control any of his behavior and, in doing so, being overprotective.

His father got the information about it from the former drug user that leads the family IOP meetings he attends having completed his voluntary rehabilitation. Unlike my friend who realized he had a problem before he ruined his life, this guy lost his family, friends, job, etc. and then went to rehab. He got out clean and sober and then relapsed one night after having 3 or so beers. So to me it seems like this person sees every member of his group as a worst case scenario of someone who hit rock bottom. I realize that he is talking from experience, but I also realize that not all drug users are the same, and that not all are so unable to control their impulses; seeing as how my friend has had a few drinks so far with no desire to relapse. However, his father takes every possible piece of advice in any context as applicable to his son’s own situation and demands that he not drink at all and that I refuse to drink with him entirely. Drinking is a bit of a ritual for us in that once or twice a month we get together and have a few beers down town or at one of our houses and just play video games or chat, so to stop entirely is completely possible, but not desirable on either end.

I’m just looking for professional advice or regular opinions on all this:

Is it true that no drug addict should drink after rehabilitation under any circumstances even if alcohol was never a problem for them?

If so, should they refrain from drinking for good or just take time away from it until their life is back in order?

Should I refuse to drink with him at all?

Am I in the wrong for thinking that he can drink without worrying about his former drug addiction?

All responses are greatly appreciated, thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by This is your Captain speaking
1) The reason why it’s said that “No drug addict should drink after rehabilitation under any circumstances even if alcohol was never a problem for them” is because their drug problem is due to an addictive personality; they will just replace the drugs with alcohol to “block” unwanted stuff out, if that’s the case for them.

2) Refrain from drinking, again, they will just replace the drugs with alcohol.

3) Refuse yourself to drink in front of him, help him out, if he can’t drink, why should you? You could also spend “drinking money” on more exciting things, skydiving – I don’t know what you like, he’ll get a better adrenaline rush from that instead of alcohol and drugs and learn that there’s more to life then spending money on drugs.

4) Yes you are in the wrong, yet again, they will just replace the drugs with alcohol.

Alcohol is a drug too, just a legal one only because of the amount of money and Tax it makes. It’s easier to get hold of and cheaper to get hooked to as well.

Answer by mstess
The other poster here nailed it. He is bang on. I’ve been married to a man with an addicitve personality for 35 years. Years ago he went through detox for alcohol. He was good about not drinking, however next he got addicted to codeine/painkillers. Had to go through the whole withdrawl etc again.

Then he figured he hadn’t had a drink in 15 years, and he’d have the odd glass of wine. The odd glass of wine turned into wine everyday. Next thing he’s right back at it. More detox. Another hellish week.

It’s been quite a few years now, and I think he’s finally got it.

Our Dr has told him he has an addictive personality. My husband is the same with food. He’ll eat the same thing for lunch for a year. Or he’ll buy a certain kind of candy. He makes sure he never runs out of them. It drives me crazy, but at least a candy doesn’t hurt him.

So you see, that drinking will turn into another problem for your friend. He can’t drink or do drugs ever again.

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