Asperger Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disorder?

Question by Hólmfríður Líndal: Asperger syndrome or non-verbal learning disorder?
Hey, guys.
I have a diagnosis of non-verbal learning disorder (NLD), and have been reading everything I can get my hands on, both on NLD and Asperger Syndrome, since they are related. The more I read, however, the more I feel that my diagnosis is incorrect, and that I don’t have NLD, but Asperger.
For instance, I have very specific (and almost obsessive) interests and hobbies, that I get really upset if I am disturbed while practising, something that is, according to my readings, not a part of NLD.
I have taken the “Aspie quiz” on, and there I score 164 out of 200 points for Asperger. Of course, online tests are no diagnosis, I know that, but the “Aspie quiz” is, to my knowledge, rather professional and well-made.
I don’t really feel any emotions, something that might be completely irrelevant as I have a diagnosis of Major Depression. I do laugh, smile and cry, but I don’t FEEL anything, ever. Some people have mentioned potential psychopathy, but I doubt that is the case.
I am unable to ‘connect’ to people, can’t read their expressions or body language, have a hard time looking people ‘in the eye’ and feel uncomfortable while in close proximity to others. Even if I try, I find I can’t put myself in others’ footsteps and people (most often my parents) tell me I am rude and impolite. I don’t understand what they mean with ‘rude’ and ‘impolite’, to me these are just words, they have no real meaning in my eyes. I don’t know how to respond when people talk to me about their feelings and emotions, and most often I simply try to ignore them or change the topic. To be honest, I’m really good at ignoring people and/or situations I feel uncomfortable with or in. I can almost ‘look through’ people, if they’ve done or said anything that has somehow affected me in a bad way, I can distance myself from them completely and barely even see them if I meet them somewhere. I am also extremely unforgiving and don’t give second chances, if you do something bad on my behalf, you’re a ‘bad person’ and you’ve ruined your chance of communicating with me forever.
Well, that’s about all I can think of that might help you to answer my question or give me advice.

Thanks in advance,
khole12: My IQ is 114, at the age of 17.

Best answer:

Answer by SpicyIcee
i didn’t exactly see much of a question. But i would say yeah I think it could be Asprgers. But dont rely on an online quiz alone. Plus you KNOWE what you are doing, big difference

Answer by khole12
You have Asperger’s. Tell your doctor. I was very difficult to diagnose. Are you sure you have non~verbal learning disorder? Again, talk to your doctor, and get a second third and fourth opinion. I have been called rude, impolite, and weird. You exactly remind me of my full~blown Asperger’s, tell your doctor and try to arrange a psychological test that will diagnose it. There is no cure, and I am past the full~blown stage (36) I was really anti~social in my teen years. Again, there is no cure, but tell me, how hi is your i.q? Mine is 140!


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