Addiction Rehab: HIV/AIDS and Drug Use in China-Interactions, Impacts, and Issues.
HIV/AIDS and Drug Use in China-Interactions, Impacts, and Issues.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Subst Use Misuse. 2012 Jun; 47(8-9): 1015-25
Zhao M, Ling W
The interrelationships of HIV/AIDS and drug use and misuse result in complex problems that have been addressed by a variety of sociolegal approaches that often are in contrast to evidence-based medical practices proven effective in reducing associated harms. Like other countries struggling to reduce the incidence and consequences of addiction and HIV/AIDS, China is working to improve systems of care and to revise policies toward drug use and misuse and HIV/AIDS. Greater interaction with researchers and clinicians from around the world can foster increased awareness of effective practices and help implement effective strategies to deal with the problems of HIV/AIDS, and addiction.
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Patterns of pre-treatment drug abuse, drug treatment history and characteristics of addicts in methadone maintenance treatment in Iran.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Harm Reduct J. 2012 Jun 7; 9(1): 18
Shekarchizadeh H, Ekhtiari H, Khami MR, Virtanen JI
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Opiates are the main drugs of abuse, and Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) is the most widely administered drug addiction treatment program in Iran. Our study aimed to investigate patterns of pre-treatment drug abuse, addiction treatment history and characteristics of patients in MMT in Tehran. METHODS: We applied a stratified cluster random sampling technique and conducted a cross-sectional survey utilizing a standard patient characteristic and addiction history form with patients (n=810) in MMT. The Chi-square test and t-test served for statistical analyses. RESULTS: A clear majority of the participants were men (96%), more than 60% of whom were between 25 and 44 years of age, educated (89% had more than elementary education), and employed (>70%). The most commonly reported main drugs of abuse prior to MMT entry were opium (69%) and crystalline heroin (24%). The patients’ lifetime drug experience included opium (92%), crystalline heroin (28%), cannabis (16%), amphetamines (15%), and other drugs (33%). Crystalline heroin abusers were younger than opium users, had begun abusing drugs earlier, and reported a shorter history of opiate addiction. CONCLUSION: Opium and crystalline heroine were the main drugs of abuse. A high rate of addiction using more dangerous opiate drugs such as crystalline heroin calls for more preventive efforts, especially among young men.
HubMed – addiction
Eating disorders: challenges in the later phases of the recovery process: A qualitative study of patients’ experiences.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Scand J Caring Sci. 2012 Jun 7;
Pettersen G, Thune-Larsen KB, Wynn R, Rosenvinge JH
Scand J Caring Sci; 2012 Eating disorders: challenges in the later phases of the recovery process Little is known about how patients experience the later recovery phases of eating disorders. The aim of this study was to describe such experiences using an explorative and descriptive design based on content analysis. Thirteen female patients participated in qualitative interviews. The analysis resulted in four main categories, that is, (i) realising negative consequences, (ii) searching for alternative coping, (iii) searching for normality and identity and (iv) accepting the losses. The categories represent normal psychological processes related to grief, commitment and reconciliation. Such processes may be functionally or dysfunctionally resolved. The clinical implication is that patients in the later recovery phases may need professional help or counselling to accomplish a functional resolving. While in the initial phases of illness and recovery, a focus is on controlling symptoms and the changing of overvalued ideas about weight and shape, therapy in the later recovery phases should focus on the psychological management of the challenges represented in the four categories resulting from the present study.
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Testimony Crystal Meth Addiction Rehab – Testimony Crystal Meth Addiction Rehab
Wrestling in church to help fight against drug addiction
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
… a 2008 Jackson High School graduate, died of a heroin overdose the weekend before he was scheduled to go to rehab in September 2011. His family has been on a mission since to educate and prevent other deaths from opiate and heroin addiction.
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