Addiction Rehab: [Convulsive Crisis in Tramadol and Caffeine Abusers: About 8 Cases and Review of the Literature].

[Convulsive crisis in Tramadol and caffeine abusers: about 8 cases and review of the literature].

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Pan Afr Med J. 2012; 13: 24
Maiga DD, Seyni H, Sidikou A, Azouma A

Nous rapportons Huit cas de crises convulsives diagnostiquées comme maladie épileptique après ingestion de Tramadol et d’autres substances psychotropes dont la Caféine dans une région ou maladie épileptique et addiction au café sont fréquentes. L’objectif de ce travail était d’informer les praticiens sur le risque de convulsion lié à la consommation du Tramadol seul ou en association avec d’autres psychotropes en s’appuyant sur les données de la littérature. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective et exhaustive de patients vus en consultation ambulatoire pour crise convulsive et consommation de Tramadol et de caféine de janvier à mai 2012. Les données collectées étaient les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et de la consommation de Tramadol. Le diagnostic de crise convulsive a été posé sur les renseignements obtenus à l’anamnèse. Tous les patients ont été soumis à un examen neurologique et aux critères de dépendance du Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMIV)-R par rapport à leur consommation de Tramadol. Nous n’avons pas trouvé dans la littérature médicale de cas de consommation concomitante de Tramadol et de Caféine. Les données expérimentales suggèrent une action synergique du Tramadol et de la Caféine sur la douleur et le seuil épileptogène. Nos observations plaident également en faveur d’une synergie d’action de ces deux molécules dans la survenue des crises convulsives. La fréquence des crises convulsives suite à une intoxication par le Tramadol et la caféine est susceptible d’augmenter en Afrique en raison du mésusage croissant de ces substances. Une étude comparative usagers de Tramadol associé à la Caféine et usagers du Tramadol seul devrait permettre d’évaluer le risque.
HubMed – addiction


Focal DNA Copy Number Changes in Neuroblastoma Target MYCN Regulated Genes.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

PLoS One. 2013; 8(1): e52321
Kumps C, Fieuw A, Mestdagh P, Menten B, Lefever S, Pattyn F, De Brouwer S, Sante T, Schulte JH, Schramm A, Van Roy N, Van Maerken T, Noguera R, Combaret V, Devalck C, Westermann F, Laureys G, Eggert A, Vandesompele J, De Preter K, Speleman F

Neuroblastoma is an embryonic tumor arising from immature sympathetic nervous system cells. Recurrent genomic alterations include MYCN and ALK amplification as well as recurrent patterns of gains and losses of whole or large partial chromosome segments. A recent whole genome sequencing effort yielded no frequently recurring mutations in genes other than those affecting ALK. However, the study further stresses the importance of DNA copy number alterations in this disease, in particular for genes implicated in neuritogenesis. Here we provide additional evidence for the importance of focal DNA copy number gains and losses, which are predominantly observed in MYCN amplified tumors. A focal 5 kb gain encompassing the MYCN regulated miR-17?92 cluster as sole gene was detected in a neuroblastoma cell line and further analyses of the array CGH data set demonstrated enrichment for other MYCN target genes in focal gains and amplifications. Next we applied an integrated genomics analysis to prioritize MYCN down regulated genes mediated by MYCN driven miRNAs within regions of focal heterozygous or homozygous deletion. We identified RGS5, a negative regulator of G-protein signaling implicated in vascular normalization, invasion and metastasis, targeted by a focal homozygous deletion, as a new MYCN target gene, down regulated through MYCN activated miRNAs. In addition, we expand the miR-17?92 regulatory network controlling TGFß signaling in neuroblastoma with the ring finger protein 11 encoding gene RNF11, which was previously shown to be targeted by the miR-17?92 member miR-19b. Taken together, our data indicate that focal DNA copy number imbalances in neuroblastoma (1) target genes that are implicated in MYCN signaling, possibly selected to reinforce MYCN oncogene addiction and (2) serve as a resource for identifying new molecular targets for treatment.
HubMed – addiction


Escalation of i.v. cocaine intake in peri-adolescent vs. adult rats selectively bred for high (HiS) vs. low (LoS) saccharin intake.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013 Jan 10;
Holtz NA, Carroll ME

RATIONALE: Adolescence marks a period of increased vulnerability to the development of substance use disorders. High sweet preference is a genetically mediated behavioral trait that also predicts vulnerability to substances of abuse. Previous research has shown that while adolescent rats selectively bred for high (HiS) saccharin intake acquire cocaine self-administration at the same rate as adult HiS rats, adolescent rats bred for low saccharin intake (LoS) acquire cocaine self-administration faster than adult LoS rats. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to investigate the interaction of the addiction vulnerability factors of peri-adolescence and saccharin preference on cocaine intake using an animal model of escalation of cocaine consumption over 6-h/day sessions. METHODS: Peri-adolescent and adult HiS and LoS female rats self-administered i.v. cocaine (0.4 mg/kg/inf) during short-access (2-h/day) sessions for 2 days. Next, a long-access (6-h/day) period (LgA) commenced and lasted 16 days. Following LgA, session length was returned to 2-h/day for a second short access phase. RESULTS: LoS peri-adolescent rats escalated cocaine intake over the LgA period and consumed more drug than LoS adult rats; however, peri-adolescent and adult HiS rats consumed similar amounts of cocaine during this period. Additionally, adult HiS rats self-administered more cocaine than adult LoS rats during the LgA period, while there was no phenotypic difference between the rat lines during peri-adolescence for the LgA period. During the first short-access phase, peri-adolescent rats self-administered more cocaine than adult rats. CONCLUSIONS: These results emphasize the importance of adolescent drug abuse prevention by illustrating that phenotypic protection from addiction may not be expressed until adulthood.
HubMed – addiction


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