Addiction Rehab: Battling Drug Addiction in Bangalore.
Battling drug addiction in Bangalore.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Lancet. 2012 Jun 2; 379(9831): 2040
Shepherd-Smith A
Cognitive remediation for individuals with psychosis in a supported education setting: a pilot study.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Rehabil Res Pract. 2012; 2012: 715176
Kidd SA, Kaur Bajwa J, McKenzie KJ, Ganguli R, Haji Khamneh B
Cognitive remediation (CR) is a treatment approach that is being increasingly examined as a means through which the cognitive impacts of schizophrenia might be ameliorated. While CR has demonstrated good outcomes when paired with supported employment, little is known regarding how it might be integrated within supported education contexts. In this study CR was examined in a supported education context with 16 individuals with psychosis. The findings indicated that CR aligned well with the academic curriculum with very low attrition, was found useful by students, and showed similar pre-post differences on cognitive measures as those found in previous work.
HubMed – addiction
fMRI response in the medial prefrontal cortex predicts cocaine but not sucrose self-administration history.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Neuroimage. 2012 Jun 1;
Lu H, Chefer S, Kurup PK, Guillem K, Vaupel DB, Ross TJ, Moore A, Yang Y, Peoples LL, Stein EA
Repeated cocaine exposure induces long-lasting neuroadaptations that alter subsequent responsiveness to the drug. However, systems-level investigation of these neuroplastic consequences is limited. We employed a rodent model of drug addiction to investigate neuroadaptations associated with prolonged forced abstinence after long-term cocaine self- administration (SA). Since natural rewards also activate the mesolimbic reward system in a partially overlapping fashion as cocaine, our design also included a sucrose SA group. Rats were trained to self-administer cocaine or sucrose using a fixed-ratio one, long access schedule (6h/day for 20days). A third group of naïve, sedentary rats served as a negative control. After 30days of abstinence, the reactivity of the reward system was assessed with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) following an intravenous cocaine injection challenge. A strong positive fMRI response, as measured by fractional cerebral blood volume changes relative to baseline (CBV%), was seen in the sedentary control group in such cortico-limbic regions as medial prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate cortex. In contrast, both the cocaine and sucrose SA groups demonstrated a very similar initial negative fMRI response followed by an attenuated positive response. The magnitude of the mPFC response was significantly correlated with the total amount of reinforcer intake during the training sessions for the cocaine SA but not for the sucrose SA group. Given that the two SA groups had identical histories of operant training and handling, this region-specific group difference revealed by regression analysis may reflect the development of neuroadaptive mechanisms specifically related to the emergence of addiction-like behavior that occurs only in the cocaine SA animals.
HubMed – addiction
Food cravings in food addiction: The distinct role of positive reinforcement.
Filed under: Addiction Rehab
Eat Behav. 2012 Aug; 13(3): 252-5
Meule A, Kübler A
Craving for a particular substance is an essential characteristic of addictive behavior. Increasing evidence suggests that food cravings and excessive food consumption could similarly be due to addictive processes. Recently, the Yale Food Addiction Scale (YFAS) was introduced for identifying individuals with addictive eating patterns. We conducted an online study (n=616, 75.8% female) in which participants filled out the YFAS and the Food Cravings Questionnaire-Trait (FCQ-T). Participants diagnosed as being addicted to food using the YFAS had higher scores on all food craving subscales except for anticipation of positive reinforcement that may result from eating. In a subsequent regression analysis, all food craving subscales positively predicted food addiction symptoms while positive reinforcement negatively predicted food addiction symptoms. Similar to other addictive behaviors, results indicate that individuals with addictive eating patterns experience more food cravings, but concurrently do not expect a positive reinforcement through eating.
HubMed – addiction
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