Addiction Rehab: Addiction Therapeutics: Obstacles and Opportunities.

Addiction therapeutics: obstacles and opportunities.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Biol Psychiatry. 2012 Dec 1; 72(11): 890-1
Skolnick P, Volkow ND

HubMed – addiction


Women with elevated food addiction symptoms show accelerated reactions, but no impaired inhibitory control, in response to pictures of high-calorie food-cues.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Eat Behav. 2012 Dec; 13(4): 423-8
Meule A, Lutz A, Vögele C, Kübler A

Addictive behaviors are accompanied by a lack of inhibitory control, specifically when individuals are confronted with substance-related cues. Thus, we expected women with symptoms of food addiction to be impaired in inhibitory control, when confronted with palatable, high-calorie food-cues. Female college students (N=50) were divided in low and high food addiction groups based on the symptom count of the Yale Food Addiction Scale. Participants performed a Go/No-go-task with high-calorie food-cues or neutral pictures presented behind the targets. Self-reported impulsivity was also assessed. The high food addiction group had faster reaction times in response to food-cues as compared to neutral cues and reported higher attentional impulsivity than the low food addiction group. Commission and omission errors did not differ between groups or picture types. Hence, women with food addiction symptoms reported higher attentional impulsivity and reacted faster in response to food-cues, although neither increased self-reported motor impulsivity nor impaired behavioral inhibition was found. Food addiction symptoms seem to be related to attentional aspects of impulsivity but not other facets of impulsivity.
HubMed – addiction


The impact of age and BMI on impairment due to disordered eating in a large female community sample.

Filed under: Addiction Rehab

Eat Behav. 2012 Dec; 13(4): 342-6
Rø O, Bang L, Reas DL, Rosenvinge JH

The impact of age and BMI on functional impairment in eating disorders was assessed by the Clinical Impairment Assessment (CIA) scale in a representative community sample. The CIA was administered to 1080 women aged 16-50years (M=36.2, SD=9.5) with a range of BMI from 13.5 to 55.0 (M=24.6, SD=4.9) randomly selected from the Norwegian National Population Register. The average global CIA score was 5.3 (SD=8.5). Impairment tended to decrease with age (r(s)=-.20, p<.01), yet increased with greater BMI (r(s)=.31, p<.01). Approximately 30% of the participants with obesity scored in the clinical range compared to 7% of the underweight and normal-weight participants. Data supported the utility and feasibility of the CIA as a measure of functional impairment secondary to weight, shape, and eating concerns. It is recommended that age and BMI be considered during the interpretation of CIA data. HubMed – addiction


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