Clinical Depression….?

Question by japsiken: clinical depression….?
Im considering going to my doctor to talk about whether or not im actually depressed, however im on the fence on whether or not i should. Ive tried to talk to people like my mom for instance about it and the response is usually the same. “What do you have to feel depressed about?” Honestly i agree with them my life isnt that bad, could be better and could be worse. Im only 21 is it possible for me to be depressed despite being so young and not having that bad of a life. i dont have many responsibilities to worry about or much stress in my life. However i looked it up online and i do have feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and a lack of energy which are depression symptoms. Idk whether its my family being in denial or im just overreacting. Any thought maybe from someone around the same age whose gone through this?

Best answer:

Answer by Alexandra
Well anyone can get depression. whether their five or seventy.
I got diagnosed with depression when I was only 15 years old. My life was pretty good. I had a lot of friends but then one day. I just became sad. Everything didn’t matter anymore. After a few months, my parents finally accepted that there was something mentally wrong with me so they sent me to a therapist and prescribed me medication.
It’s been two years since the dark days began and now I’m happy and feel as free as can be!!!
Get help now. Trust me, It’s worth it.
You don’t want to waste any time while your still young and have many opportunities waiting.

Answer by ferrisulf
Clinical depression is sneaky in that way. My life wasn’t perfect, but I felt I had no reason to be so depressed. I was a sophomore in highschool when my depression really started to appear. Teenage years and early 20’s is when it appears a lot. Being young and having an over all good life doesn’t automatically put you in the “safe” zone, despite what people think.

I’m 23 now. Less than a year ago I finally was able to get out of that awful depressed state and suicidal thinking. So I spent about 6 years in that awful frame of mind. I learned a lot in that time and will offer a few bits of advice:

If you want to talk to someone, go to a counselor to begin with and see what they think. It has to be someone you feel you can trust and communicate with. I don’t recommend a doctor. They aren’t as knowledgeable when it comes to mental health and will offer you a med that “they seems to have a lot of luck with”. No two people are the same and those meds are potent. If the counselor agrees you are depressed, there are two options I’d consider:
1. Psychiatrist
2. Acupuncture
Personally, I had no luck with the psychiatrists. A med wouldn’t work, so they’d switch it. Then I’d be on two or three at a time. There is no test that they can use to determine what would work best for you. It’s trial and error and the side effects take their toll. In my opinion, why make yourself feel even more shitty when you’re already depressed?

Acupuncture is what saved me. It isn’t like the drugs. No side effects at all. It also doesn’t “cure” you overnight. By the time I went to them there was talk of ECT or the admitting me to the psych ward because I was suicidal. Within 6 or 7 months of once-a-week acupuncture treatments, I am happy to say I am no longer suicidal or depressed. 🙂 The worst thing that could happen with acupuncture is that it doesn’t work. The underlying problem for that often is the person is on several anti-depressants and it’s too much for the acupuncture.

I definitely think you should talk with someone. And be patient with your family. My parents didn’t get it for a long time but they stuck by me nonetheless. I would suggest trying out the acupuncture because they treat the body, so they can work on the lack of energy, jitters, and other things like that. Consider it before jumping straight for the meds.

One thing you should not do: Don’t ignore it. Depression rarely goes away on its own. It’s best to take care of this now before it can evolve any further. You don’t want to take the chance of this thing taking over your life.

If you have any questions or whatnot feel free to shoot me a message. 🙂 If your family had any questions or qualms I’d be happy to answer them as well. Take care.

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