Vibration and Pressure Wave Therapy for Calf Strains: A Proposed Treatment.

Vibration and pressure wave therapy for calf strains: a proposed treatment.

Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2013 Apr; 3(2): 60-2
Saxena A, St Louis M, Fournier M

Calf (lower leg) strains have a variety of treatment regimens with variable outcomes and return to activity (RTA) time frames. These injuries involve disruption of portions or the entire gastrocnemius-soleus myo-tendinous complex. Conservative treatment initially consists of rest, ice, compression, elevation (RICE). Immediately following calf injury, patients can utilize cryotherapy, massage, passive range of motion, and progressive exercise. In general, Grade I through Grade III calf strains can take up to 6 weeks before the athlete can return to training. It can also involve the loss of more than 50% of muscle integrity. Recently, vibration therapy and radial pressure waves have been utilized to treat muscular strains and other myo-tendinous injuries that involve trigger points. Studies have suggested vibration therapy with rehabilitation can increase muscle strength and flexibility in patients. Segmental vibration therapy (SVT) is treatment to a more focal area. Vibration therapy (VT) is applied directly to the area of injury. VT is a mechanical stimulus that is thought to stimulate the sensory receptors, as well as decrease inflammatory cells and receptors. Therefore, VT could be a valuable tool in treating athlete effectively and decreasing their recovery time. The purpose of this paper is to give the reader baseline knowledge of VT and propose a treatment protocol for calf strains using this technology along with radial pressure waves. HubMed – rehab

The baby is growing: PubMed Listing for Muscles Ligaments and Tendons Journal.

Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2013 Apr; 3(2): 58-9
Maffulli N, Oliva F, Frizziero A

HubMed – rehab

A pilot study of training and compensation interventions for mild cognitive impairment.

Dement Geriatr Cogn Dis Extra. 2013 Jan; 3(1): 192-201
Konsztowicz S, Anton J, Crane J, Moafmashhadi P, Koski L

This pilot clinical trial sought to estimate the feasibility and efficacy of two interventions aimed at improving memory performance in geriatric clinic patients with mild cognitive impairment.Fifteen participants were randomized to either a memory training group or a memory compensation group.Recruitment rates were low, whereas adherence and retention rates were acceptable. The memory training group improved in self-reported memory abilities and satisfaction with memory. The memory compensation group improved on one objective memory test but showed no consistent changes on any other outcomes.Effect size estimates will inform the design of larger clinical trials. HubMed – rehab

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