The Association Between Disturbed Eating Behavior and Socioeconomic Status: The Online Korean Adolescent Panel Survey (OnKAPS).

The Association between Disturbed Eating Behavior and Socioeconomic Status: The Online Korean Adolescent Panel Survey (OnKAPS).

PLoS One. 2013; 8(3): e57880
Lee HJ, Park S, Kim CI, Choi DW, Lee JS, Oh SM, Cho E, Park HK, Kwon KI, Oh SW

A limited amount of research, primarily conducted in Western countries, has suggested that higher socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with higher risk of eating disorders (EDs). However, little is known about this association in Asian countries. We examined the association of SES with disturbed eating behavior (DEB) and related factors in Korean adolescents.A nationwide online panel survey was conducted in a sample of adolescents (?=?6,943, 49.9% girls). DEB was measured with the 26-item Eating Attitudes Test (EAT-26). Participants who scored ?20 on the EAT-26 were considered to have DEB. Participants’ SES was determined based on self-reported household economic status.The prevalence of DEB was 12.7%: 10.5% among boys and 14.8% among girls. Both boys and girls with DEB were more likely to perceive themselves as obese, experience higher levels of stress, and have lower academic achievement. The risk for DEB was significantly higher in boys of higher SES than in those of middle SES (OR?=?1.45, 95%CI?=?1.05-1.99 for high SES; OR?=?5.16, 95%CI: 3.50-7.61 for highest SES). Among girls, higher risk of DEB was associated with the highest and lowest SES (OR?=?1.52, 95%CI: 1.13-2.06 for lowest SES; OR?=?2.22, 95%CI: 1.34-3.68 for highest SES).Despite the lower prevalence of obesity in Korea compared with Western countries, the prevalence of DEB in Korean adolescents was high, especially among girls. Moreover, the association between SES and DEB followed a U-shaped curve for girls and a J-shaped curve for boys. HubMed – eating


Roux-en-Y gastric bypass for morbid obesity: what are the preoperative predictors of weight loss?

Postgrad Med J. 2013 Mar 7;
Adams ST, Salhab M, Hussain ZI, Miller GV, Leveson SH

Obesity has become an increasingly important health problem over the past 30 years. Presently around a quarter of the UK adult population are obese and this figure is set to increase further in the coming decades. The health consequences of obesity on multiple body systems have been well established as has the financial cost of the condition to both the individuals affected as well as to society as a whole. Bariatric surgery has been shown to be the only long term effective solution in terms of sustained weight loss and comorbidity resolution. The commonest bariatric procedure in the UK is the Roux-en-y gastric bypass which consistently results in the loss of 70%-80% of excess bodyweight. Results however are variable and in order to optimise resource allocation and avoid exposing patients unlikely to benefit from surgery to its inherent risks, much research has been done to try to identify those patients most likely to obtain a good result. The only factor which has been subjected to meta-analysis is that of preoperative weight loss which shows a positive association with postoperative weight loss following bypass surgery. Although the remaining data are not based on level 1 evidence those other preoperatively identifiable factors which are associated with an improved outcome include Caucasian or Hispanic ethnicity, higher educational status, non-shift-work working patterns, female gender and divorced or single marital status. Similarly increased levels of preoperative physical activity and an absence of binge eating behaviour are consistent with a favourable result whereas increased age, smoking and other socioeconomic factors have not been shown to have a significant impact. Conversely diabetes mellitus seems to have a slight negative correlation with postoperative weight loss; however, a history of sexual abuse or psychiatric illness has not been shown to have a lasting influence. HubMed – eating


Use of a website to accomplish health behavior change: if you build it, will they come? And will it work if they do?

J Am Board Fam Med. 2013 Mar; 26(2): 168-76
Dickinson WP, Glasgow RE, Fisher L, Dickinson LM, Christensen SM, Estabrooks PA, Miller BF

Purpose: This article describes the development, implementation, and effectiveness of 2 interactive websites designed to support health behavior change around healthy eating, physical activity, smoking, and use of alcohol for primary care patients.Patients from 6 primary care practices were recruited and randomized to a basic website (including a health assessment with feedback of the results and educational materials about health behavior change) or an enhanced website that included the features of the basic site plus an action planning component. Patients were prompted to return for follow-up assessments at 3 and 6 months after enrollment.Of 7706 participants, 169 (2.2%) targeted for recruitment actually used the website. Both web-based interventions seemed to assist patients with making positive changes in their behavior, especially activity level and healthful diet. There were no significant differences in the effectiveness of the basic and enhanced websites.Interactive behavior-change technology interventions can assist primary care patients and practices in health behavior change activities. Difficulties with patient recruitment and the lack of added effectiveness of the enhanced website suggest that such interventions work better if integrated into the interaction between primary care clinicians and patients rather than as a standalone intervention. HubMed – eating


Contribution made by parabiosis to the understanding of energy balance regulation.

Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Mar 4;
Harris RB

Parabiosis is a chronic preparation that allows exchange of whole blood between two animals. It has been used extensively to test for involvement of circulating factors in feedback regulation of physiological systems. The total blood volume of each animal exchanges approximately ten times each day, therefore, factors that are rapidly cleared from the circulation do not reach equilibrium across the parabiotic union whereas those with a long half-life achieve a uniform concentration and bioactivity in both members of a pair. Involvement of a circulating factor in the regulation of energy balance was first demonstrated when one member of a pair of parabiosed rats became hyperphagic and obese following bilateral lesioning of the ventromedial hypothalamus. The non-lesioned partner stopped eating, lost a large amount of weight and appeared to be responding to a circulating “satiety” factor released by the obese rat. These results were confirmed using different techniques to induce obesity in one member of a pair. Studies with phenotypically similar ob/ob obese and db/db diabetic mice indicated that the obese mouse lacked a circulating signal that regulated energy balance, whereas the diabetic mouse appeared insensitive to such a signal. Positional cloning studies identified leptin as the circulating factor and subsequent parabiosis studies confirmed leptin’s ability to exchange effectively between parabionts. These studies also suggest the presence of additional unidentified factors that influence body composition. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Animal Models of Disease. HubMed – eating



Cinnamon Challenge – hiii, were soo boreeeed. so we attempt to swallow cinnamon..cuz we cannn. anywhoooo!. thanks for watching, dont hattteee.