How Many of You Are Compulsive Exercisers?

Question by Dave S: How many of you are compulsive exercisers?
Have you ever had an eating “disorder” even if only slightly? Are you pro-ana or pro-mia?

Best answer:

Answer by Canadian?Roadrunner
When I was a late teen and in my early 20’s I would eat 2 meals a week and run 45-50 miles a week. When I did eat, I’d puke it up bc I felt I needed to punish myself.

Now 10 yrs later, my body weight has stopped the plateau and I’m actually smaller now bc I do eat every meal, everyday and while I am obsessive with my running, i think there are worse things to be addicted to.

I will never EVER condone or recommend diets bc they don’t work, they may work short term but your body gets deprived of nutrients it needs to fuel and keep a healthy body and mind. When I was younger, I was stupid. It took me a long time to have my body act normal bc the starvation would counteract and instead of allowing me to lose weight, my body stored it as fat. When I finally stopped the ED, I ballooned out bc my body was like WTF and it’s taken me a long time to get to a good mind and body.

You are better to eat a balanced healthy diet of smaller meals vs starvation and of course exercise but keep it realistic.

Add your own answer in the comments!




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