How Long Is Too Long to Take Off From Work for “Depression”?

Question by grundlegootch: How long is too long to take off from work for “Depression”?
My father took his own life around 7 months ago now and I’ve been out of work since. I’m currently on leave and on disability from my job and I’m seeing numerous counselors and taking medications but not much is helping. Now I feel like outsiders are looking down on me like I should be working and moving on but I’m only 23 and I’ve never experienced a loss like this… Is there really a time frame or time I should be back to work by… Any advice is appreciated.

Best answer:

Answer by Alexandra C
To be quite honest, I would just crawl in a hole for the rest of my life if my dad did such a thing.

I think that in order to do your job successfully you have to work on yourself so you’re at least able to function.

Just keep up with the medication and the counselors, people take off years at a time to over these things, and sometimes people take years off because of injuries,

I think you should just complete a year of helping yourself out, in time things should get better.
At times pills take forever to kick in a do what they are meant to do.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!




How to cope with depression. Help for you. – I talk about how to deal with “the depression monster”. He is a very bad monster and gets really big if you feed him.


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