How Do You Treat Your Depression?

Question by Jacob: How do you treat your Depression?
I have depression. I use to be able to deal with it better but its been getting harder to fight back. Im not taking any medication for it at this time. What do you find are the best ways to help treat your depression. Medical or non-medical.

Best answer:

Answer by cutelagayguy
Effexor Xr 150 mg latuda 40 mg knocks it out

Answer by feuilleutè
Non medical, because with medical you become like vegetable and defendant. To treat non medical depression, allowing yourself to have activities outdoors or indoors. Going places to places, visiting and talking with people you knew. Doing shopping whether money shop or window. Avoid looking dramas on televisions. Learn dancing or sports; helps you a lot. Never take medicine, that’s just temporary, once the effect is gone you are back like before and worst. Take courage. Prayerfully talking to God, whether you are believer or not can help you a lot, Try. It helped me so with you.

Party Drug Ketamine Could Help Treat Severe Depression, Says Yet Another
A new study published this week in the Journal of Psychopharmacology found that approximately one-third of patients with what researchers referred to as "treatment-resistant depression" experienced a significant mood improvement after being treated …
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Party drug Ketamine could help treat severe depression
The party drug ketamine could one day be used to help some people suffering from severe depression, according to British scientists who gave infusions of the narcotic nicknamed "special K" to patients. Researchers who tested the drug on 28 people with …
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Ketamine, or "Special K," effectively treats severe depression in study
In the study, 28 patients with treatment-resistant depression were given ketamine intravenously over three weeks. Although several patients relapsed with symptoms within a day or two, researchers say almost 30 percent had benefits which lasted at least …
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