Eating Disorder Specialist on ‘Sidestepping the Food – Emotion Power Struggle’


Eating Disorder Specialist on ‘Sidestepping the Food – Emotion Power Struggle’ – Michelle Morand, MA, RCC, founder and director of the CEDRIC Centre – ‘Treatment and Resources for Your Stressful Relationship With Food’, presents a 48 minute talk on ‘Sidestepping the Food – Emotion Power Struggle’. You can purchase the whole presentation on our webiste, under ‘Videos’. The talk covers the underlying reasons we use food or restricting to cope, both from a chemical and psychological point of view, and provides steps to set your self up to have a stress free relationship with food. For 18 years, CEDRIC Centre Michelle Morand has been counselling those with a stressful relationship with food and body image. She and her staff offer specialized programs that have helped thousands of men and women worldwide to lose weight and to maintain a natural weight for life without dieting and rigorous exercise regimes. As a recovered binger herself, Michelle knows you can’t be healthy, let alone happy and secure in your life if you are stuck focusing on what you ate and what you weigh. She wrote the book ‘Food Is Not The Problem – Deal With What Is!’ Let her explain ‘What Is’ For more details on how we can help through our workshops, our newly revamped online program, counselling in person or via skype or phone, see or call 866-383-0797 or email [email protected].


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