Eating Disorder Prevention Vlog


Eating Disorder Prevention Vlog – Again, no music to fit it. I was thinking of my past one day, and decided to do a prevention vid of this. I hope it helps someone out there.


HMC holds public lecture on eating disorders

Filed under: eating disorder prevention

The lecture will explain the symptoms of these eating disorders, methods of diagnosis and various ways of prevention and treatment. Ghuloum said many patients with eating disorders seek treatment and psychiatric counseling at HMC's Psychiatric …
Read more on Peninsula On-line


At eating disorders clinic, a dog helps to break the ice

Filed under: eating disorder prevention

The teenagers wonder why they should trust Darlene Atkins. She is the enemy, after all, part of a team that tries to persuade these adolescents to do the thing they hate the most: eat. “Often, by the time we see them, they're awfully shut down,” said …
Read more on Washington Post


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