Eating Disorder Treatment?

Question by nicholeeee: eating disorder treatment?
when you go to the hospital place for treatment do you sleep there?
or do u just like go there
my mom said she might have to send me
so im just wondering what to expect

Best answer:

Answer by Giggles-for-life
It depends. If you are severely underweight or refuse to eat, you will be admitted to the hospital where they may have to feed you through a tube. They also have outpatient programs. You would most likely be there for two meals a day (breakfast and lunch) where you would be supervised and eat with other girls at the facility. You would also do group and/or individual therapy. It really all depends on you. Im in your situation now, and i know just how scary it can be. If you can, it would probably be in your best interest to try to start eating better, even though it can be hard. But sometimes, the mental barriers we experience can be too tough, and you may need outside help, so don’t be afraid to accept it. Good luck and stay strong! Things will be ok

Answer by Janet A
There are inpatient and out patient centers available. I spent 30 days in one. To tell you the truth I originally thought 30 days was a lifetime then. I have been out for two years now and really think a longer program would be better in the ong run. Behind an eating order are “issues” that need to be addressed. If you do not give yourself enough time to deal with those things in a controlled, safe environment with other young women who have the same issues it can be difficult when you get out. It was very expensive where I went, but at the time it was pretty much a decision between treatment or a funeral…..
Try Mercy Ministries. They have quite a few locations and they are AWESOME!
Do not hesitate to go. The sooner you can get well, the sooner you can enjoy the life that God has planned for you, and be a witness to others with your testimony.
I loved being in the treatment center actually. I was safe there with lots of support. I am still friends with the girls I met there. We will be friends for life.
You can do it!!!

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