Confessions of a Binge Eater


Confessions of a Binge Eater – my trip to the grocery store filled with 27 dollars worth of binge food: pizza rolls, cookies, candy bars, french bread, ben and jerrys and chinease food.


Latest Edition of Psychiatry's 'Bible' Launched
"In DSM-5, normal grief becomes a major depressive disorder, temper tantrums become disruptive mood dysregulation disorder, worrying about medical illness becomes somatic symptom disorder, gluttony becomes binge eating disorder and almost … Read more on WebMD

Goodbye to the DSM-V
Dumping the multiaxial system and Asperger's disorder while adding binge eating, hoarding, and excoriation disorder (skin picking) has brought us no closer to a classification system that explains what's wrong and guides evidence-based treatment … Read more on Huffington Post

Japanese distiller aims to revolutionise whisky drinking
Sales have been up more than 10% a year over the past three years. The group's … Whereas Campbell Toun Loch caters for the solitary, late-night drinker, Marugin attracts lively early-evening groups, eating, smoking and knocking back highballs … Read more on The Guardian