Why State's Lawmakers Should Back Medical Marijuana

Why state's lawmakers should back medical marijuana
In recent years I have introduced a bill in the West Virginia House of Delegates to give doctors the authority to prescribe or recommend the use of an herb –marijuana– to treat patient with debilitating disease. The list of … The narrow list of … Read more on spiritofjefferson (blog)

Is Tumblr's Depression-Glamour The New Pro-Ana?
Blending psychological despair and beauty, these pictures also blur the line between commonplace negative emotions and true clinical depression that goes untreated. Those who share imagery associated with sadness and torment seek out compassion, … Read more on Refinery29

VCU Team Searching For Methylation Signature to Predict Chronic Depression
Researchers from Virginia Commonwealth University are planning a study of DNA methylation, with the hope that it will yield a molecular signature that can be used to personalize treatment for depression by distinguishing those who are likely to have a … Read more on GenomeWeb