Therapy… Conquering Fear Foods, Whoo!


Therapy… Conquering fear foods, whoo! – Just an update on my life and all. Challenged myself, whoo!


I'm shooting a television series about eating disorders

Filed under: eating disorder therapy

So here are the ingredients for my special cereal mix. Every morning I weigh out the oats, barley, grains and seeds, then add nuts, raisins, chopped fruit, then the exact amount of milk and yogurt. It takes an hour to make and another hour to eat. Then …
Read more on The Times (subscription)


Help for anyone with an eating disorder

Filed under: eating disorder therapy

'Learning the facts about eating disorders will help you understand how a person can be affected and behave while also providing you with tips on how you can support them effectively. 'This is what these sessions are all about, getting the information …
Read more on Isle of Man Today


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