[The Surgical Rehabilitation of the Patients Presenting With Chronic Suppurative Epitympanitis.]

[The surgical rehabilitation of the patients presenting with chronic suppurative epitympanitis.]

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2012; 39-41
Kamalova ZZ

The objective of the present study was to improve the efficacy of the surgical treatment of the patients presenting with chronic suppurative epitympanitis. We compared morphological and surgical results of the surgical treatment of the patients with chronic suppurative epitympanitis divided into two groups. Those comprising group 1 underwent sanitation tympanoplasty by open surgery. The patients of group 2 were treated by sanitation surgery of the closed type with the reconstruction of the posterior wall of the external acoustic meauts and obliteration of the mastoid process using a cartilaginous implant in combination with simultaneous tympanoplasty. The surgical technique employed in this study is described. Analysis of the results obtained demonstrated the possibility of complete rehabilitation of the patients comprising group 2.
HubMed – rehab


[Immunopathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pharynx.]

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2012; 27-29
Aznabaeva LF, Aref’eva NA, Daianov AN

The objective of the present study was to develop indications for immunological rehabilitation of the patients presenting with chronic laryngitis. Immunogenetic characteristics (including both local and systemic immunity) were elucidated in 54 practically healthy subjects and 110 patients with catarrhal, hyperplastic, and atrophic forms of chronic laryngitis. PCR-diagnostics was performed for the presence of herpes-viruses in conjunction with bacteriological studies. It was shown that the efficacy of the effector protective factors of the immune system (including its phagocytic and T-cell components) was insufficient to suppress the persistent Epstein-Barr virus infection combined with staphylococcal and streptococcal infections. The protection of laryngeal mucosa depended on the involvement of proinflammatory antibodies (IgE and IgG) in the inflammatory process and the severity of defects in the elimination mechanisms (affecting the phagocytic component and secretory antibodies). The compromised protective function created conditions for the long-term persistence of pathogens.
HubMed – rehab


[Tonsillar pathology. The current state of the problem.]

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Vestn Otorinolaringol. 2012; 10-13
Aref’eva NA

The objective of the present study was to substantiate the indications for the surgical and medicamental treatment of chronic tonsillitis based on the results of evaluation of the function of palatine tonsils under normal and pathological conditions. Special attention is given to various aspects of pathogenesis of recurring diseases of the upper respiratory tract elucidated from the changes of local immune responses of mucous membranes to persistent viral infection involving lymphocytes of the palatine tonsils. A method for the rehabilitation of the patients presenting with chronic tonsillitis with the use of intravenous administration of immunoglobulin preparations is proposed.
HubMed – rehab


[Hydraulic pressing in complex treatment of recurrent TMJ disc dislocation.]

Filed under: Rehab Centers

Stomatologiia (Mosk). 2012; 91(5): 34-39
Bekreev VV, Rabinovich SA, Gruzdeva TA, Gorbunova EV

The aim of the study was to estimate the complex treatment efficiency in patients with TMJ internal disorder. TMJ structures repositions and its functional rehabilitation was achieved in 87.2% of cases by using minimally invasive treatment modes (TMJ splint and hydraulic pressing).
HubMed – rehab



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