New Approach to Treatment-Resistant Depression


New approach to treatment-resistant depression – Dr. Gabor I. Keitner discusses the goals of and lessons learned from a study in which clinicians approached treatment-resistant depression as a chronic disea…


'Clock Genes' Disrupted in Depression
We have hypothesized that sleep deprivation therapy, which is a circadian intervention in depression, and low-dose ketamine, which has been shown to be rapidly effective in treatment-resistant depression, may in part work by resetting abnormal … Read more on Medscape

Researchers look at therapeutic benefits of ketamine
Both ECT and ketamine are both known to have benefits as antidepressants and as rapid and effective treatments for Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD). However ECT can be associated with confusion and impaired thinking ability and memory. Ketamine … Read more on

PCOS affects women of reproductive age Syndrome creates a lot of anxiety
PCOS affects women of reproductive age Syndrome creates a lot of anxiety, depression and agitation … The increase in the male hormone will result in spots or acne which is severe and very resistant to treatment and as well as excessive hair growth. Read more on Arab Times Kuwait English Daily