How Do I Overcome Bulimia?

Question by Joss: How do I overcome bulimia?
I’ve been struggling with it for some time now. It started off slowly, then took a leap rather quick. I binged on Pop Tarts one night. Now it’s one box of cereal, ten pieces of pizza, a bowl of ice cream, all day. It never ends. Some days are spent as entire binges. And I purge–a lot. I just threw up the whole box of cereal I ate. I can’t stand it, but don’t know how to get over it! Please, what are some ways to help?

Best answer:

Answer by Spaced Frehley
Seek the help of a support group. Don’t give up on yourself. Seek help immediatly. good luck and God Bless.

Add your own answer in the comments!



Healthy meal challenge brings out diners

Filed under: overcoming eating disorders

The November challenge featured eight restaurants which offered healthy meal options for people with diabetes or anyone who wanted to eat healthy food during the month. … Doctors are still trying to find the best way to treat back pain and other …
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