Effect of Treadmill Gait Training on Static and Functional Balance in Children With Cerebral Palsy: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Effect of treadmill gait training on static and functional balance in children with cerebral palsy: a randomized controlled trial.

Rev Bras Fisioter. 2013 Feb; 17(1): 17-23
Grecco LA, Tomita SM, Christovão TC, Pasini H, Sampaio LM, Oliveira CS

Treadmill gait training as a therapeutic resource in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy has recently been the focus of many studies; however, little is still known regarding its effect on static and functional balance in children.The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of treadmill training and over ground gait training in children with cerebral palsy.A randomized controlled trial with blinded evaluator was conducted with children with cerebral palsy between three and 12 years of age categorized in Levels I to III of the Gross Motor Function Classification System. Assessments were performed before and after the intervention and involved the Berg balance scale as well as the determination of oscillations from the center of pressure in the anteroposterior and mediolateral directions with eyes open and closed. The experimental group was submitted to treadmill training and the control group performed gait training over the ground. The intervention consisted of two 30-minute sessions per week for seven weeks.Both groups exhibited better functional balance after the protocol. The experimental group had higher Berg balance scale scores and exhibited lesser mediolateral oscillation with eyes open in comparison to the control group.Treadmill training had a greater effect on functional balance and mediolateral oscillation in comparison to over ground gait training in children with cerebral palsy. Trial registration: RBR-5v3kg9.(Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials). HubMed – rehab


Multiparameter MR Imaging in the 6-OPRI Variant of Inherited Prion Disease.

AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2013 Mar 28;
De Vita E, Ridgway GR, Scahill RI, Caine D, Rudge P, Yousry TA, Mead S, Collinge J, Jäger HR, Thornton JS, Hyare H

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE:Inherited prion diseases represent over 15% of human prion cases and are a frequent cause of early onset dementia. The purpose of this study was to define the distribution of changes in cerebral volumetric and microstructural parenchymal tissues in a specific inherited human prion disease mutation combining VBM with VBA of cerebral MTR and MD.MATERIALS AND METHODS:VBM and VBA of cerebral MTR and MD were performed in 16 healthy control participants and 9 patients with the 6-OPRI mutation. An analysis of covariance consisting of diagnostic grouping with age and total intracranial volume as covariates was performed.RESULTS:On VBM, there was a significant reduction in gray matter volume in patients compared with control participants in the basal ganglia, perisylvian cortex, lingual gyrus, and precuneus. Significant MTR reduction and MD increases were more anatomically extensive than volume differences on VBM in the same cortical areas, but MTR and MD changes were not seen in the basal ganglia.CONCLUSIONS:Gray matter and WM changes were seen in brain areas associated with motor and cognitive functions known to be impaired in patients with the 6-OPRI mutation. There were some differences in the anatomic distribution of MTR-VBA and MD-VBA changes compared with VBM, likely to reflect regional variations in the type and degree of the respective pathophysiologic substrates. Combined analysis of complementary multiparameter MR imaging data furthers our understanding of prion disease pathophysiology. HubMed – rehab


A Smartphone-Based Intervention With Diaries and Therapist Feedback to Reduce Catastrophizing and Increase Functioning in Women With Chronic Widespread Pain. Part 2: 11-month Follow-up Results of a Randomized Trial.

J Med Internet Res. 2013; 15(3): e72
Kristjánsdóttir OB, Fors EA, Eide E, Finset A, Stensrud TL, van Dulmen S, Wigers SH, Eide H

Internet-based interventions are increasingly used to support self-management of individuals with chronic illnesses. Web-based interventions may also be effective in enhancing self-management for individuals with chronic pain, but little is known about long-term effects. Research on Web-based interventions to support self-management following participation in pain management programs is limited.The aim is to examine the long-term effects of a 4-week smartphone-intervention with diaries and therapist-written feedback following an inpatient chronic pain rehabilitation program, previously found to be effective at short-term and 5-month follow-ups.140 women with chronic widespread pain, participating in a 4-week inpatient rehabilitation program, were randomized into two groups: with or without a smartphone intervention after the rehabilitation. The smartphone intervention consisted of one face-to-face individual session and 4 weeks of written communication via a smartphone, consisting of three diaries daily to elicit pain-related thoughts, feelings, and activities, as well as daily personalized written feedback based on cognitive behavioral principles from a therapist. Both groups were given access to an informational website to promote constructive self-management. Outcomes were measured with self-reported paper-and-pencil format questionnaires with catastrophizing as the primary outcome measure. Secondary outcomes included daily functioning and symptom levels, acceptance of pain, and emotional distress.By the 11-month follow-up, the favorable between-group differences previously reported post-intervention and at 5-month follow-up on catastrophizing, acceptance, functioning, and symptom level were no longer evident (P>.10). However, there was more improvement in catastrophizing scores during the follow-up period in the intervention group (M=-2.36, SD 8.41) compared to the control group (M=.40, SD 7.20), P=.045. Also, per protocol within-group analysis showed a small positive effect (Cohen’s d=.33) on catastrophizing in the intervention group (P=.04) and no change in the control group from the smartphone intervention baseline to 11-month follow-up. A positive effect (Cohen’s d=.73) on acceptance was found within the intervention group (P<.001) but not in the control group. Small to large negative effects were found within the control group on functioning and symptom levels, emotional distress, and fatigue (P=.05) from the intervention baseline to the 11-month follow-up.The long-term results of this randomized trial are ambiguous. No significant between-group effect was found on the study variables at 11-month follow-up. However, the within-group analyses, comparing the baseline for the smartphone intervention to the 11-month data, indicated changes in the desired direction in catastrophizing and acceptance in the intervention group but not within the control group. This study provides modest evidence supporting the long-term effect of the intervention.Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01236209; http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01236209 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6FF7KUXo0). HubMed – rehab


Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Early versus Late Total Hip Replacement in Italy.

Value Health. 2013 Mar-Apr; 16(2): 267-79
Mújica Mota RE

To assess the cost-effectiveness of early primary total hip replacement (THR) for functionally independent older adult patients with osteoarthritis (OA) versus 1) nonsurgical therapy followed by THR once the patient has progressed to a functionally dependent state (“delayed THR”) and 2) nonsurgical therapy alone (‘medical therapy’), from the Italian National Health Service perspective.Individual patient data and evidence from published literature on disease progression, economic costs and THR outcomes in OA, including utilities, perioperative mortality rates, prosthesis survival, and costs of prostheses, THR, rehabilitation, follow-up, revision, and nonsurgical management, combined with population life tables, were synthesized in a Markov model of OA. The model represents the lifetime experience of a patient cohort following their treatment choice, discounting costs and benefits (quality-adjusted life-years) at 3% annually.At age 65 years, the incremental cost per quality-adjusted life-year of THR over delayed THR was €987 in men and €466 in women; the figures for delayed THR versus medical therapy were €463 and €82, respectively. Among 80-year-olds, early THR is (extended) dominant. With gradual utility loss after primary THR, delaying surgery may be more appealing in women than in men in their 50s, because longer female life expectancy implies longer latter periods of low health-related quality of life (HRQOL) with early THR.THR is cost-effective. Patients’ HRQOL benefits forgone with delayed THR are worth more than the costs it saves to the Italian National Health Service. This analysis might help to explain women’s consistently lower HRQOL by the time of primary operation. HubMed – rehab