Doctors Test Extreme Therapy for Depression


Doctors Test Extreme Therapy For Depression – For the most severe cases of depression, doctors at Massachusetts General Hospital are testing an extreme therapy — placing electrodes deep inside patients’ brains.


Depression Is Biggest Hurdle for Parkinson's Patients

Filed under: depression doctors

For Parkinson's patients, depression is a bigger challenge than the physical obstacles they face. In a long-term study of the degenerative disease, 61% of patients reported symptoms of depression; almost a third of those were severe. Doctors note that …
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Not just for cranks and yummy mummies: Why doctors believe everything from

Filed under: depression doctors

Now Harvard Medical School is studying whether Bikram Yoga could also be a treatment for depression. Doctors believe these Eastern practices once favoured by hippies and yummy mummies could be the key to treating some of the 21st Century's most …
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