Depression: What Is Major Depression?


Depression: What is Major Depression? – ~ (561) 842-9550 Dr. Mark Agresti, West Palm Beach Mental Health Specialist — Psychiatrist, explains what is Major Depression. He explains the symptoms of major depression; such as, but not limited to, sadness, hopelessness, despair, thoughts of death and more. Learn the behaviors and some of the treatments used to treat major depression. Major depression is the most common mental illness in the United States and is treatable with a very high success rate. Call Dr. Agresti today to get help with Major Depression.


Glossary of terms; mental health resources

Filed under: major depression

Depression: a depressive disorder characterized by extreme feelings of sadness, a lack of self-worth and dejection. Major depression (Also known as clinical depression or unipolar depression): classified as a type of affective disorder or mood disorder …
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Scientists develop first blood test to diagnose depression

Filed under: major depression

Scientists say they have developed the first blood test to diagnose major depression in teenagers. The test is also able to differentiate between at least two subtypes of depression: major depression and major depression combined with anxiety disorder.
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