Commentary on De Vos Et?Al. (2013): Can Ecological Trends in HIV or HCV Incidence Be Used to Assess Intervention Impact?

Commentary on de Vos et?al. (2013): Can ecological trends in HIV or HCV incidence be used to assess intervention impact?

Addiction. 2013 Jun; 108(6): 1082-3
Vickerman P, Hickman M

HubMed – addiction


Commentary on Kerr et?al. (2013): The ‘French Paradox’ versus binge drinking.

Addiction. 2013 Jun; 108(6): 1049-50
Lanzmann-Petithory D

HubMed – addiction


Peak-provoked craving deserves a seat at the research table.

Addiction. 2013 Jun; 108(6): 1030-1
Sayette MA, Tiffany ST

HubMed – addiction