Chief Keef Ordered to Rehab in California

Chief Keef Ordered to Rehab in California
After being jailed for violating his probation, Chief Keef is headed to rehab in California. On Friday (Nov. 8), a Chicago judge ordered the 18-year-old rapper to enter a drug treatment facility after testing positive for marijuana. According to the … Read more on The BoomBox Continues to Help Addicts and Alcoholics Seeking a Sober
It also provides a series of questions that the addict should ask of the staff at the treatment facility, such as number of meetings offered, nearby churches and shopping, number and type of staff. Each individual needs a different sober living … Read more on PR Web (press release)

Calendar for Nov. 29-Dec. 7
The American Red Cross Bus will be stationed at Park Central Care and Rehabilitation Center, 2100 Parkside Drive from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Call (800) RED-CROSS or go to to schedule an appointment with the code "PARKCENTRAL." Nobel Prize … Read more on Fremont Bulletin

Rihana Rehab