Binge Eating Disorder PSA


Binge Eating Disorder PSA – For health class, we broke off into teams to create public service announcement videos. My group’s topic was Binge Eating disorder. Hope You enjoy.


Chimps take anti-depressants too
In humans, it's available for treating depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, binge eating disorder and panic disorder. Because the signs and symptoms observed in the chimps somehow resemble depression, anxiety, and also PTSD, I thought it might be … Read more on Salon

67 Pounds Lighter — Thanks to a Midlife Crisis and Elmo
I accepted that I had to give notice: Overcoming my eating disorder demanded my full attention. My weight, my binging and the emotions behind both were ruining me. I wasn't just overweight, but downright sickly due to poor nutrition and stress. I felt … Read more on Huffington Post